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Beaver Workshop not registering progress

CamillaB Posts: 10

Level 2

My beaver workshop game performed fine in the first week, however in the second week it's not registering that i passes a level. Days 1 and 2 worked okay and i passed. The blue play button turned into a green tick. Yesterday i played day 3 and i passed first time, but the circle was still blue. I tried playing it again, and won again, and the circle remained blue (additionally i've used a lot of my boosters to make sure i won, and those are all gone for no result). I was worried the same thing would happen again, so i decided to leave it for the day and try again tomorrow. This morning i opened Beaver Workshop, and Day 3 and Day 4 were available to play as the blue icon. I played both, and i won both (and i used more boosters) and they are both still blue icons instead of turning green to show i passed them.

I would really like this problem fixed, especially because i've used so many boosters.

Can anyone help?

Best Answer

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Answer ✓

    Thank you so much for the update, dear Camilla 🙏 I am glad that the event did not act-up afterwards and you were able to finish it 👌

    About the event -- I agree with you completely that the levels were super hard this time and not a single level was achievable without using boosters and Gold Bars 😔 It is not just me, but many other Farmers also felt the same.

    Hopefully, the Farm Studio will listen to all of us and take our feedback into consideration 🐥🐥🐥


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @CamillaB 🤗 Hearty Welcome Back to our lovely Farm King Community!

    I am so sorry to hear that there is an issue in your game with the Beaver's Workshop feature 😕

    First of all, Thank you very much for reporting this issue. As of now, we have not heard of any other farmers complaining about it. And, I am also having smooth progress with my building!

    Can you please provide these details...

    1) Device you are using;

    2) The App version you currently have;

    3) Couple of screenshots -- (1) while playing the Beaver's level; (2) After winning it; (3) Where the levels' list is shown (to see if it turns to Green or goes back to Blue after you play;

    4) And also a screenshot after few hours to check if the level(s) turn back to Blue;

    5) Since you have already passed the levels couple of times till now, have you received the gift - that we receive every day? Today, it is supposed to be 500 Magic Beans and two +1 Bonus boosters.

    For now, please provide all these details and I will get back to you with any other information I need, so that I can escalate the issue to our Farm In-charge to get it fixed 👍️

    Talk to you soon. Have a farmtastic rest of the day 🍓🍓

  • CamillaB
    CamillaB Posts: 10

    Level 2

    Hi PummyRaj

    Just to provide an update i played the rest of Beaver Workshop with no problems. Quite strange.

    It didn't register that i had won during week 2 (level 3 i think), twice in a row despite winning both times. I left it, came back the next day and tried to play level 4, and the same thing happened. So i stopped playing and entered this post.

    As suggested i kept playing and using my bonuses to make sure i would win, and it worked fine on all the levels after that. It was a little disapointing to have used so many bonuses and brought gold just to make sure i would win so i could take screenshots. But i got there in the end, so i'm not sure why it didn't work for two days then came right again.

    Thanks for your reply

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Answer ✓

    Thank you so much for the update, dear Camilla 🙏 I am glad that the event did not act-up afterwards and you were able to finish it 👌

    About the event -- I agree with you completely that the levels were super hard this time and not a single level was achievable without using boosters and Gold Bars 😔 It is not just me, but many other Farmers also felt the same.

    Hopefully, the Farm Studio will listen to all of us and take our feedback into consideration 🐥🐥🐥

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