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πŸ§‘β€πŸŒΎπŸ‘©β€πŸŒΎ Team up with the Level Designers to make Level 6000



  • Posts: 19,920


    Which blockers would you like to see in the level and why?

    Bulls, Weeds and Rivers

    Which cropsies do you want to see in the level to commemorate this occasion?


    How would you design the level's appearance?

    We say that the level design is going to be a 6K on the board which may be creative playing of this design, at level 6000 this might be a challenging.

  • Posts: 160,093

    Thanks @QueenB

    1,Which blockers would you like to see in the level and why? 

    Flower . flower blocker is very easy and fun can be turned off from many directions

    2,Which cropsies do you want to see in the level to commemorate this occasion?Vote for your favorite one below.

    I've voted Sun , and another plant is Strawberry

    3,How would you design the level's appearance?

    The display is in the form of a six , and for the contents each display 6 flowers , 6 White sheep , or 6 Water bucket , or something about Six

  • Posts: 1,241
    edited June 2023

    Hallooooo, 😎

  • Posts: 554

    Yes!! I love that. I'm trying to envision if the 6 can be curvy like that or needs to be of a more "blocky" 6 because of the way the boards are designed, also if it can be made out of all one cropsie without matching 3 bc then it would clear. If it can then awesome, or it could be made of all blockers as well. Looks really cool! 😎

  • Posts: 25,892

    I love it. ❀️❀️❀️

  • Posts: 28,156
    edited June 2023


    Wow.. this is a great idea to possibly have some input as to level design. This does require some thinking because of course you know it's going to be a hard level but at the same time you want to try to make it as easy as possible but not too easy so there is some challenge left, luckily 6,000 is a ways off for me. Thanks for the chance to receive that wonderful badge. πŸ€—πŸ˜‰


    Which blockers would you like to see in the level and why?

    Like to see? None? 🀣 Well that won't happen and I guess that wouldn't be my preference anyway, wouldn't want to make the level too easy. So I would like to see β€΅οΈπŸ˜…


    Bulls: I love these guys, not just because it puts an animal in the game... I get satisfaction when I have maneuvered them in the most perfect way to get them to go where they need to go. When I have Bulls on a level I will study (in case there are cut-outs where they can't get through or obstacles that I need to get rid of first that will stop them in their path, (yes the item does take a hit but sometimes you're very lucky to get Bulls going again). Also you have to watch that you don't get trapped because of a level design. Sometimes it's not all that simple like up, down and or across, so you have to look at the Bulls and where they are and how to get them to their destination.


    Use your imagination. πŸ˜‰

    Black Sheep: I love the Sheep too...😁 (this is a milestone level so I expect it to be a challenge but do-able) and since they eat the hay that they land on, that is why I picked them and is why my 3rd choice is... ‡️


    Hay seeds: If you have Sheep on a level you must have hay, even if you have to grow it... otherwise the Sheep won't leave. Of course you'll have to provide water bowls (I can only choose 3, so this is on you) or water as one of the needed cropsies to collect.


    Which cropsies do you want to see in the level to commemorate this occasion?Vote for your favorite one below.

    I did and it was water... water is life, it is everything.πŸ’§

    Also if you choose White Sheep or my pick of Black Sheep, provided that there are more Sheep than hay.. if any.. .you will need water one way or another to grow the hay seeds.


    How would you design the level's appearance?

    That's a tough one.. I guess I would say not your typical run of the mill 9x9 or whatever, something unusual in design would be nice. I also play CCFS and their milestone levels are in the shape of the number, so it would be in shape of 6000, very cool I think but you don't do that. How about this, in the next few weeks lets have a poll where we can vote which one we like. Probably most are like me and don't know the lingo for certain designs and so on.

    @PummyRaj Terrific idea Pummy, very creative. πŸ’―πŸ‘

  • Posts: 45,153

    Hello dear @FarmerBπŸ€—

    Yeah! Obviously, the 6 should be aligned with the "blocks/tiles", but not like how my image wasπŸ˜…

    That "curvy" 6 was the only shape I could come up with on my computer😁

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