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This new hero mode sucks. It takes all my moves and makes a few cropsies at level 9 and takes them all and that's it. I used to be able to use my remaining moves. Not anymore. I get way less points with the new way. Much prefer the old way of using my remaining moves. Thank you for reading my banter!!
@EeyoreJones completely agree!
in theory it seems a good idea just not in the execution 😎
I totally agree, I prefer to use all the my remaining moves after am in “hero mode”… you end up with a lower score & the chance to collect other cropsies for other events or rewards!
Let' me put it simply. Hero mode cheats you out of more points I could make on my own and I am fixing to delete the whole game if you don't take it away.
Hero mode cheats you out of points! Please get rid of it or give us an option to use it. I may delete game and quit playing because that just isn't right.
You need to let us finish the game. If I have two turns left and have won - I still want my two turns.
I am with you. All of sudden my turns are gone. Not fair! I will probably stop playing!
Mir gefällt diese neue Version überhaupt nicht, da es mir die Möglichkeiten nimmt mehr Punkte zu erreichen, entweder durch einsetzen von Gefährten, booster usw.
How do you know nothing is being done?
The test is being run along the studios time scale gathering data from more than just here. So its not that they might not be doing anything but because the test hasn't ended yet. Interesting to note that I asked for opinions in a group I co-run.....only one person didn't like it. That's why they take multiple sources into consideration 🤗
Hi @ConnieDanielFay and welcome to the community 🤗
I will get this added to the thread! Why does taking the moves make it harder?