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Advertisment / boosters are gone

Sankab Posts: 3

Level 1

For 2 weeks now,I am not getting any advertisments after a level with additional points nor boosters... Anyone knows what is happening?


  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,453

    Hello and Welcome in the Farm Community 🍏 🍓 🍏

    Sorry if Ads is no more available in your game, but ads is given randomly in a selected group of players like a test feature and could be moved in another group of players.

    Many thanks for your understanding 😉😊

  • Sankab
    Sankab Posts: 3

    Level 1

    i have been loyal player to this game for 10 years and what you are here saying is not accurate!

    every day I always received advertisement that resulted in digferent type of boosters or life. This has now been gone for 2 weeks. I am again asking WHY and WHEN can I expect to get the game normal back again?

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,453

    Hello again 😊

    Are you talking about the Daily Bonus?

    With the daily bonus you receive every day different boosters but you don't receive lives.

    With ads or Advertisements you receive boosters or lives just watching a video but is given randomly in a group of players and maybe now has been moved to a new group l.

    I know that is frustating but could be only for a period and will back in your game in the future

  • Sankab
    Sankab Posts: 3

    Level 1

    No i am not talking about daily bonus and you know very well what I am talking about. After playing the same game for 10 years,suddenly when I made a purchase- you removed all what has been fun with the game with ads,free boosters after advertisment so that people like me,shall use money to purchase packages. This is completely madness and so so not good for you to keep loyal players like me. Good luck with what you are trying to do - get players to spend much money on your packages!

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