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What level are you at today?



  • Ik exactly what you mean and I don't get why people even spend money on this game. It's so simple to complete any level with 3 stars, and on the first try. 

    danbraz said:
    @Pummy_Raj I do the same. I use 250 beans for 3 shovels and sometimes they are the most useful booster. 
    I have found a way to pass any level easily. No cracks or apps installed at ALL... Just call me...

  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,104
    Hi @danbraz and welcome to our adorable Community 😊 Can you please tell me how did you do that? I won't call you but I want you to share it with us. There are a lot of players enjoying this game and I am sure they would like to know it too. 
  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
  • steffb1
    steffb1 Posts: 12

    Level 2

    I'm now on level 2554 and not a penny spent lol.

  • You don't need to spend money lol. 
    steffb1 said:
    I'm now on level 2554 and not a penny spent lol.

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,946
    I just completed level 600. 😊
  • Eggcracker
    Eggcracker Posts: 280
    @Elsa black sheep that eat Hay, Rob the rabbit if you haven't already met him, Fireflies, oysters, Bulls and Mushrooms! I hate mushrooms they are evil, but I like the bull :) 
    Mushrooms are evil  >:)
  • steffb1
    steffb1 Posts: 12

    Level 2

    I'm now on 2558 lol
  • Gerard_Broekhoff
    Gerard_Broekhoff Posts: 31

    Level 3

    Level 2560. Don't have fun anymore.  Every level will be emptied.  Wasting boosters for weeks in far too difficult levels.  I am done.
  • Eggcracker
    Eggcracker Posts: 280
    Level 2560. Don't have fun anymore.  Every level will be emptied.  Wasting boosters for weeks in far too difficult levels.  I am done.
    Please don't give up Gerard, I've been in that position a few times, but managed to soldier-on. 

    I've just been through the most horrid time with my latest game, it took me more than a fortnight to pass. In the end I had a lucky board, and a bit of experience behind me. I don't pay to pass, though in the years I've been playing, out of sheer desperation, I've paid a few times for 9 extra moves.

    If you want help take a look at previous posts, specifically on the game you are playing.

    The best advice I was given was that it's not always necessary to use boosters, and that can be very true!

    I agree the games are harder, especially when the best boosters are for buyers only.
    If you want a moaner, look at my posts, I am the 'Moaner in Chief'  =)

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