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Rewards! We'd love to hear your thoughts 🙏



  • Mizsunshnetou
    Mizsunshnetou Posts: 0


    QueenB said:

    Howdy Farmers!


    We’d like to hear your thoughts on Rewards in Farm Heroes Saga!

    Do you have any thoughts/feelings about these:

    - How vital are rewards to you in Farm?

    - Which existing rewards interest you the most? What are your top 3?

    - Can you think of any new rewards which would really excite you?

    Your comments will go straight to the team that works on the game, so this is your chance to maybe make a difference 😉 

     Don't be afraid to be brutally honest with us 😉

    We will also choose 5 random feedback who will be rewarded with 20 Gold Bars in their Farm Heroes Saga game!

    You have until the 18th of October, 15:00 CET, to get a chance to earn Gold Bars.

    Terms and Conditions 

    the rewards are very vital.. its a big part of the longevity of the game.  however, the recent change actually decreased how many beans you get without having to actually purchase the bars to buy them.  none of the gifts gives free beans. 
    Top 3 rewards  is the mower, add +1 and selecting the item to clear all at once. adding more beans or a clean all at once option could be a good addition.
  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,422
    Hi Farm heroes Players,
    For me rewards are very important, this is list for value:
    Hunter and +1 if it is possibile togheter 
    + 5 moves
    Special events
    Gold bars 
    These are the ones I never use:
    Super Fruit
    Turbo tractor
    Amelia's parachute.
    F.H. staff please planned something to earn 
    Snowball and  more eggs breaker and gold bars.
    We miss TREASURE MILL.
    Have a good day. =)

  • alekhya51292
    alekhya51292 Posts: 34

    Level 3

    Color boosters, tractor dash and also the +1 which add value to the cropsies are my favorite. They keep my interest in the game always high and also it would be great if egg crackers are rewarded in special events. 
  • Reward us with  randomized boosters for random doings that none of the players knows of up front and that are NEVER given out to everyone? Like collectibles, except for that they are boosters, beans, loves if you use them from your special nrely invented collection box, the collection isn't rare. 

    Reward gamers making many taps/clicks daily/weekly or even MONTHLY without telling us up front.

    Reward gamers that continue their levels even of it takes more than the double of time compared to others. (I once had a cascade going on for HOURS)

    Make much more different deals. Like, buy 50 gold for 2000 beans plus 1 dollar.
  • Goalie1021
    Goalie1021 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I have been playing Farm Heros since the beginning and then I quit for a while because of glitches and the fact it seemed like the levels got to the point where the only way to beat them was to use a ton of boosters which is way to expensive. I recently came back and it seems this has been somewhat resolved but there are still several things in which I would change to make the game not only more fun but also help attract new players and keep older players from leaving for newer games.

    Changes I would Make.
    #1. Its really hard to earn magic beans. Unless you get 3 stars or complete a challenge or buy them. I understand you want to make money and thats fine but when you make the levels so difficult that you need to buy boosters with cash or beans on almost every one of them not only does it get old and expensive but its also very frustrating and discouraging. Its bad enough the boosters cost so much compared to how many and often you earn them but to spend them before you start the level only to have a bad layout to begin with and then you wasted those boosters on a level and now you have to do it all over again and hope you complete it. There have been a hand full of levels I have played where it cost me the equivalent of about $10 to complete the level. Thats ridiculous. You can keep the price of the boosters the same but increase the amount you get for 1,2 & 3 stars along with increase the frequency and amounts of beans you can get or earn daily. 

    #2. I couldnt count how many boosters and beans I have lost because I was in the middle of a level and there is a glitch and the game freezes up so I have to log out and back in to start over forfeiting the beans, gold bars and boosters i spent.

    #3. STOP giving us the missions where you get rewards for unlocking companions when we are unable to do so since we have already unlocked all the companions there are. You still havent finished the last 3 reward/companions but it would be nice if you guys would start doing the rewards/companion missions again. For example "Unlock 3 companions and receive 3000 beans" These were one way of us getting beans but since you quit doing them its limits our chances.

    #4.Give us the option to send friends magic beans instead of lives. I would much rather receive magic beans from friends rather than lives

    #5. You guys use to have those tournaments like King of the mountain or whatever it was called where you play the 5 levels and you continue to accrue gold bars until someone beats you and knocks you off the top. Then we would have to play it again to beat them and so on. Those were a lot of fun and it was a great way to earn a lot of gold bars.

    #6. Allow us to buy more than just 3 shovels at a time. Allow us to buy as many as 12 or allow us to buy 6 before starting the level then the option to buy 6 more (with beans) once inside the level. This way if we get into a level and are almost done and only need one or two shovels then it doesnt cost us an arm and a leg to complete the level. Trust me when I say NOTHING is more frustrating than spending a ton of boosters and beans trying to pass a level only to waste them and still not able to pass the level only to have to start all over but by now im out of boosters, gold bars and beans and have to build them back up or spend even more money.

    #7. I know this one will get a laugh but it would be nice if we spend a lot of boosters and/or gold bars on a level and still are not able to pass the level we get a bunch of magic beans kind of like a consolation prize. It sucks wasting all those resources on a level that you still dont pass. Getting some magic beans in return would help ease the pain

    FINALLY- Like I said before I know the object is for you guys to make money but its no fun when we are constantly having to spend money on boosters to pass what seems like almost every level. DEFINITELY INCREASE the amount of and frequency of magic beans we can earn. And maybe allow us to buy more than just 3 shovels at a time. It just seems like you guys keep making the levels harder and harder to pass without spending money, beans or boosters. Hope this feedback helps. Oh one other idea, You guys should make a section where people can go just to find friends who play this game and are looking for friends to join them. This helps when it comes to sending lives or magic beans. The more friends you have the more beans and lives you get. I had a ton of friends who played this game at one time but over time most of them have quit playing so I only have a few now that play. It would be nice if I could go to a specific chat room where people like me are looking for others to join them 
  • Patrick_Conklin116
    Patrick_Conklin116 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I was perfectly happy with the old Farm Heroes saga. It takes way too long for the new one to load up to play. The old one was a hard enough but this new version seems like it is geared to be almost impossible to get through without having the needed boosters saved up thus making the players BUY their daily prizes rather than wait and let them build up. For two weeks I have been opening the packages and, supposedly, getting bonus boosters. But some of them never reach my screen, Why? Hell if I know.  The Play screen is way smaller, too. The levels used to be numbered so one knew where one was. It was easier to scroll through each level to see what item was needed to complete that particular level or collect the bonuses. Whoever thought up this new version didn't make it easier to follow or use. 
  • sylia
    sylia Posts: 21

    Level 3

    Hello everybody

    - How vital are rewards to you in Farm? They are essential to retain players. we want to play but also to win something other than levels like a gift when it's not your birthday or christmas =) 

    - Which existing rewards interest you the most? What are your top 3? The best rewards are the gold bullion because they allow the accatht to boost. and we need it for difficult levels. Beans are obligatory too. it would be nice if we could buy boosters with beans. The beans that we receive as a gift from our friends players: providing send to all our friends would be like when we send lives.

    - Can you think of any new rewards which would really excite you? The reward that seems best for me would be to buy boosters with beans. To be able to give and receive friends

  • mosi13
    mosi13 Posts: 58

    Level 3

    QueenB said:

    Howdy Farmers!


    We’d like to hear your thoughts on Rewards in Farm Heroes Saga!

    Do you have any thoughts/feelings about these:

    - How vital are rewards to you in Farm?

    - Which existing rewards interest you the most? What are your top 3?

    - Can you think of any new rewards which would really excite you?

    Your comments will go straight to the team that works on the game, so this is your chance to maybe make a difference 😉 

     Don't be afraid to be brutally honest with us 😉

    We will also choose 5 random feedback who will be rewarded with 20 Gold Bars in their Farm Heroes Saga game!

    You have until the 18th of October, 15:00 CET, to get a chance to earn Gold Bars.

    Terms and Conditions 

    the rewards are very vital.. its a big part of the longevity of the game.  however, the recent change actually decreased how many beans you get without having to actually purchase the bars to buy them.  none of the gifts gives free beans. 
    Top 3 rewards  is the mower, add +1 and selecting the item to clear all at once. adding more beans or a clean all at once option could be a good addition.

  • Keddy30103_
    Keddy30103_ Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I would like to be able to use magic beans to buy other boosters, not just shovels.

    I also want to say those frogs keep licking my strawberries and my sheep have big old hairy attitudes LOL
  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    I never get gold bars. Would be nice if some of the events would be there.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?