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Mother Hen is back šŸ” - Win Golden Egg!



  • I think you have some great points @PummyRaj about it being a spectacular marketing event! And I eat it right up because I love gold and new sparkly things and I have fun doing it! I say this with the honestly of a kid who doesn't care as long as it is fun, and yet sometimes I get in trouble because I also like to call a spade a spade. šŸ¤©

    Just to be clear--I am not complaining that it is only 15 gold bars.

    I didn't buy any boosters but I think I did use 9 gold bars to finish the last hard level. Why? Because I am new. I have never played that event before. I didn't know how many participants there would be and therefore I made a gamble that there would be a reward greater than 9 gold bars. Did I think it was going to only be 5 greater? Truthfully no. I had hoped for somewhere around 15-20 gold bars. *Hope* is the operative word here.Ā 

    I am very grateful and happy to have been in my first event. It was super exciting. I am glad to have come out even 1 GB ahead. But I think that @joiceeanne was making the point that she would have still enjoyed playing the event if it were for 15 GB, but she did not like that it was labelled in a way to make the prize seem bigger and perhaps for people like me who don't know any better to spend money trying to get a share of what appears to be a large jackpot.Ā 

    I like hype and I like to get caught up in it. That's just me. Usually I know it is just hype and I play accordingly. My comment before was about knowing what you are in for when you play the game. Again, *not Me complaining* I can see that as a beginner, I almost fell into the pitfalls of coming out behind in this event. I can see why someone might be upset by it, or want to comment that they felt tricked by the title of the event. We didn't know how many people were playing until the end.Ā 

    Well, that's that. Just feedback from a beginner who was probably reading too much into someone else's comment but there you go.Ā 

    I still love this game. I am a terrible terrible terrible sheepherder but it's so fun. šŸ™‚
  • I donĀ“t know how many that participated. But there are two who has put in popup (on page 7 in this thread) that shows that is was 218 593 that finished.

    So stricktly we should only have got 9 gold bars. But they put in 6 extra (which they write in the popup). I think the 6 extra was because all the misses whit the popups. Some of us didnĀ“t got the popup that said we made it when we finished it. And later when the game ended we got the popup that said we missed out. So they put in extra so we who got the wrong popup shouldnĀ“t feel like we would not do any more, if it comes new ones.

    For me the misses whit the popups took away some of the fun of it.
    Sure I would liked to have more goldbars. Because they are useful.

    But I think if they do a event like that again. ItĀ“s better that they set a specifik number from the beginning instead of say that we will share. Then everyone know and no one will feel like it have been tricked.

    @pummyray if you saw a popup before we acctually get the goldbars. You had a popup that I didnĀ“t got.
  • BQN537
    BQN537 Posts: 25,892
    Hi @PummyRaj
    As soon as I got the pop up of course I started to play it the chance to get free gold bars why not try,but in saying that I couldnā€™t buy gold bars even if I wanted to tight income for me.

    Ā I havenā€™t been with the community for very long but I have been playing king and other games for years so I knew not to get to excited because of course it and just about everything has a marketing aspect to it I really cannot think of one thing in life that isnā€™t about marketing/advertising there products even charities have to do some form of marketing for there cause.

    Ā I think šŸ¤” Iā€™m just a little kid at heart ā¤ļø get offered something for free why not try and get it. Iā€™m rambling now if it wasnā€™t for the watch video get 3 extra moves I donā€™t think I would have finished it. So in summing up I am very grateful that I finished the challenge and got what king was offering free gold bars Ā šŸ¤©šŸ¤ŖšŸ¦‹ Thanks for the tag bye šŸ‘‹Ā 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    @Foley1362 @encantes

    Not sure if you have tried to play the game today, but I got a pop-up message saying "Rancid tried to ruin our gobble event but now it's fixed." I wish I had taken a picture. Maybe try doing the whole troubleshooting and log-in/out thing again to see if you get it?Ā 
    WHAT!!! You fixed my mess! That took me ages to do.

    Next time, it won't be so easy!
  • Sorry @Rancid, foiled again.

  • KingChewy
    KingChewy Posts: 13,713
    @Rancid vs @wafercookieflippers

    Ā šŸ¦ vs šŸ³ Ā = Ā ?

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    @aei121212 Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  (Ā Ā ledgerĀ  Ā )Ā  Ā  ( Konto )

    Hi! Yes, an error has happened. Sorry. Since I can not speak English I have to translate it. I wanted to write "Account".

    Ā Since I forgot a letter n in German.

    Ā That's why half a German word came over.

    Ā Hope you got it anyway and I could help you.

    Ā That's important to me!!!

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    I was at level 12 yesterday, I think. In the game I have seen that it is not quite honest. I had many moves left in the game and had to remove 2 flowers. But the trollys only went for the fruits instead of the flowers. Unfortunately, I only had one shovel and no 3 or so. So I had to play again. So I took a shovel just to get me 3 again. What's not really full. But it could not be otherwise. Give a shovel for the moment. Otherwise I would still hang out at 12. But I only spent the remaining hours on the 14th. Today I am going on 14. So I do not play any other saga at this time. Have only one tablet, which then goes to recharge. Really, this event is not honest !!! The egg was better. It was also difficult but nicer. Had nothing to do with the gold bars.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    It shows that you should buy what I do not do. I do not spend any money on these games. That's why I'm on it for a long time. And I have hardly any boosters. Of the 15 gold bars I spent 2x. To continue playing. But did not bring me much. That's tactics of the developer. Only my opinion is that many then stop playing. Something goes backwards. What do you have from it? Big question mark for me !!! Sorry
  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    I am one who makes a picture of myself and judges according to my judgment. I read a lot and think so my part. It's always better to try it yourself. Everyone sees it differently and also has the corresponding opinions. Better to play yourself and then form an opinion. Is always better !!! Only a well-meaning reference from me !!!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?