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will have to check what barney is
have played to just over 16000 and only 2 stars
for those unfamiliar with barney:
Vampire Barney is a helper that becomes active at level 321
... it adds 3 gold tiles to the starting board
... each gold tile in a word doubles the score for that word
... for example the score for a word with 3 gold tiles is multiplied by 8(2x2x2)
... when you get 3 stars on every level from 321-365 then 5 gold tiles show upon the starting board when barney is selected
I have 3 stars on every level from 1 to 920 except levels 509, 512, 513, 568, 600 and 622 (2 stars for all those)
I can't recall Vampire Barney but seem to remember some gold tiles a long time ago but I have played 1000s of times and not seen them recently, despite having 3 stars from 321 to 365.
Are the gold tiles temporary?, i.e. do you have to do 3 stars on levels 321 to 365 over and over to get the gold tiles again and again? How often do the gold tiles appear in levels going forward from 365?
you get 3 stars on levels 321-365 only once for each level ... from then on when barney is available and you select barney then the starting board for that level will have 5 gold tiles(a few levels do not have room for 5 golds tiles, but it is rare)
your list of levels is similar to a "consensus" of other players
you did amazing things to get 3 stars on most levels without using barney
tough to get 3 stars
1) 115
2) 464
3) 600
4) 512
Thanks -- will lookout for Barney!
One time I also got about 70 or 80 moves on one level. Really easy to get 3 stars then.
Was that a software error or is this some kind of hidden bonus that comes up from time to time? Never happened again for me.
there are some levels with a generous number of levels ... most likely it is not a mistake
over time moves are added to many levels ... which is much appreciated by players
I have obviously been playing Alphabetty the hard way--haven't know about helpers until today! Thanks!
23760 finally using vampire barney
had gold tiles on high value letters like z
congrats ... you are going to have a lot of fun with barney ... enjoy