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What makes a cropsy change value?



  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 24,838 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Hi @dwb As said already, you get extra points on crospies to be collected only, by cascading crops or by making a match next to the crops. Any extra points will go on the next match except for when you are in hero mode (then they stay) The more cascading crops you have falling, the more points added until you make your next move. Upto a maximum of 9 extra points. If you use a shovel to make a match in the next move, you don't lose the points. Only if you move a cropsie.

  • dwb
    dwb Posts: 115 Level 3

    What I really want to know is what causes cropsies to lose or keep their bonus in other parts the the game than where I make a match. Please do ask for official written rules that we can study for strategy.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 24,838 Pet Rescue Moderator

    @dwb We have explained how it works, but I will write it clearly for you 😊

    If you make a match, the next match will have +1 points on.

    If you make a match and then the crops match themselves again, and say again, the crops will have +3 on. Upto a maximum of 9 points. You get the amount of points for the amount of matches that happened.

    The only crops that have extra points on are the ones you need to collect. Any of those crops anywhere on the board will get the added points.

    As soon as you make another move, any crops you haven't matched up in another part of the board will lose the extra points. Only the ones next to the newer match will keep points. The only time that does not happen is in hero mode when the points stay.

    I have tried to make a video on one of the easier levels to show you. I would advise watching it on youtube and slowing it down by clicking on the cog and changing speed.

    Hope it helps 🙂

  • dwb
    dwb Posts: 115 Level 3

    @Chicken_Slayer lets talk about that video. I wish you had shown what cropsies need to be collected at the top of the screen. I do see how cropsies next to matches usually get incremented next to match and cleared if not next to one. However, look at the 27 second point. What causes the.onion on the far right to change from +0 to +3? It is not next to a match. At 31 seconds, what causes the apple below it to change from +0 to +3 without being next to a match? At 45 seconds, watch the onion in the lower right that is +1 before the move. Why does it end up at +3 when only three matches occur next to it? That hero mode does not clear any is a significant point. Thanks.

  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,418 Legend


    isn’t that good???

    so what ur concern???

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 24,838 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Cropsies to be collected are shown in this box here. I was watching the points while making it and they seemed to be normal, but if I get chance I will check again slowly. I think the onion was the amount of crops removed.

  • dwb
    dwb Posts: 115 Level 3

    @stan1981 I suppose your last point is why should I question why stray cropsies get extra bonuses that aren't next to a match. I want to understand the rules. Perhaps there is a reason for it. I'd like to know so I can use it.

    @Chicken_Slayer Thanks. I hope you get a chance to go over my questions about behavior in your video that I cannot explain with what I know about bonus incremmenting.

  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,418 Legend

    @dwb isn’t it good ? So y bother to correct it? So I downvote ur this request... as I prefer the extra bonuses...

    let see who want to upvote u to remove this extra bonuses...

  • dwb
    dwb Posts: 115 Level 3

    I wold rather understand the game so I can play it with strategy. Blind hope for random luck doesn't satisfy me so much. What's there to feel good about it I win because of chance. But when someone wins because they played smart, you feel the accomplishment.

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