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1-2-3 Grow! 🌱🌱🌱



  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,776

    Loving these great ideas so far, thanks @wafercookieflippers 🀩

  • monpat
    monpat Posts: 7

    Level 2

    I love it too. A nice way to get rewards.

  • paulaoz
    paulaoz Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Hi every one πŸ™

    Love it! A sweet way to get rewards, very good!

  • Rosenrot
    Rosenrot Posts: 126

    Hello farmers;

    Today I am starting this event 😎, it is the second time that I am going to take it πŸ˜…(I am at level 3128) because I have read about what changes have been made😁 and the last time I paid manyπŸ˜…, manyπŸ˜₯, many😫 beans to see my seed grow ... it was very difficult!πŸ˜“

    ... but now I'm glad to know that it can grow with suns and drops of water,😁 I love it!😍

    --I'll comment later on how it went--πŸ˜‰


  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032

    @QueenB or @QueenMia Is this 1-2-3 grow now supposed to bee seen as an event.

    For me an event are the minigames like pealparadise or flower tower. This 1-2-3 I just see as extra like harvest rush.

    I had the event pearl paradise that ended some days ago. Usually I get a new event the next day. But not now. I donΒ΄t even have the sign/text that says event coming soon. What I have is this 1-2-3.

    The 1-2-3 that was previous this. That was at the same time as an normal event so you could colleckt sun and waterdrops from the event levels and from new regular levels. Now I can only collect sun/waterdrops from new regular levels.

    I have log out, that what usually get events back if it has disseapear. But not now.

    For me that are on higher levels I canΒ΄t collect many suns/waterdrops from regular levels. Not only the levels are hard so it takes time to finish levels, many donΒ΄t have suns/waterdrops or just have few.

    I could finish the one that was previous thanks to the event that was at the same time, but this one I donΒ΄t know if I will be able to do that since I donΒ΄t get enough suns/waterdrops.

    So is this 1-2-3 grow supposed to be seen as an event or have you have changed so there will not be any more events (minigames).

  • Grigore_Paula1974
    Grigore_Paula1974 Posts: 26

    Level 3

    edited June 2020

    ** Edited by CM - Unuspported Language **

  • Melbennett
    Melbennett Posts: 484

    Love this game can’t get enough

  • sirianna
    sirianna Posts: 10

    Level 2

    I love this event, it's easy to complete and the rewards are fair! My only complaint (is it really a complaint?) is that I wish we'd get it more often!

  • Melbennett
    Melbennett Posts: 484
  • davejrotto
    davejrotto Posts: 7

    Level 2

    I like the new version. Helpful that it shows if the level you’re playing has sun or water to gain. I also like how you can’t go back to easier levels to accumulate sun and water, well thought out.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?