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Why is my 1-2-3 grow resetting?

starrgazzer Posts: 3 Newbie

Every time I load the game I go back to plant the seed. Is this supposed to happen?

Best Answer

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,510 Candy Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @starrgazzer Hearty Welcome to this wonderful King Community 🤗

    To answer your first question -- No, it is not supposed to happen!

    You should not plant the seed again and again BUT it is supposed to grow each time you feed some Water Cropsies and Sun Cropsies to it! Once reaching to an end of the cycle, it is supposed to give you rewards like a Shovel or +1 Bonus, etc.,

    At present, the event only has couple of hours left on it! So, I don't think there will be anything that the Team can do now! But, if it happens again, please do complain about it, so that the Farm Team can look into it.

    NOTE: "Events Disappearing" keeps happening for some players for some reason or other! But, the glitch happened in your game is not right!


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