Collect flowers for rewards!
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Level 2
What is the point of having so many beans in the quests? I've had nothing but beans for the last 2 weeks. It's ridiculous. If that's all you want to offer, at least let us purchase more boosters than just shovels with them. So frustrating, and enough to turn me away from the game.
I like Magic beans in the quest but I want different boosters todo 😜
Magic Beans can be quite helpful actually... They can be used to activate the companions which helps you out on levels... Defeat Rancid and also to buy shovels.
We do appreciate the feedback so we'll make sure it gets passed on to the team 😊
I get that we can do a few things with the beans - and I like that. But, with the shovels, we can only buy if we're at zero. What if we have some by earning through quests or Harvest Rush? That renders them useless for shovels. And I appreciate the companions and for Rancid's levels, but there are so many other boosters that are out there. What's the point of all the beans if we can't use them? Let us buy boosters with them, or golden bars with them, so we can buy more boosters!
You can ask your friends if they can give you beans
There are boosters in quests too
Yes is true
I know they also have boosters in quests, but I’ve gone 2 weeks now with only beans. It seems they go for a long period of only offering beans. It’s done this before. Then they might offer other boosters for a day or two and then back to all beans. It’s frustrating. I have over a million beans and not a whole lot to do with them. Rancid’s levels are only once per episode. The companions are at the most 90 beans. I’m not at zero shovels so i can’t buy more. All the while the tractors, +1, and color collectors would come in really handy for all levels. Egg crackers and cleansers would be nice too.
I have complained about earning nothing but magic beans for long periods of time in the Quests until I am tired of repeating myself. What’s so magical about them if using them is so restrictive? Usually after I complain, the boosters show up but not this last time. Still stuck earning magic beans to add to my million+. I have accumulated. Leave the gold bars for extended play but all boosters should be able to be purchased with the magic beans before or during a level.
Welcome @Puzzlenut100 the trouble is beans are only not useful if you have a lot. I don't need any but there are many people that seem to use a lot and they are complaining they don't get enough so its about finding balance.
I agree maybe we should have something else we could buy with beans, but if all the boosters were able to be bought with beans, not only would they not be special, but little extras are how games make their money to keep giving us new levels weekly and events and everything else we love.
Personally I don't mind having a lot of beans...I never need to worry about running out! Happy playing 😊
ooo i wish I had too many beans. I need beans, when will i get them; I don't have any, so can't play; I wish there were beans on accessing the game, then a couple of the daily boosters were beans. So sad that I cannot play