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Gold Rush challenge



  • Rosenrot
    Rosenrot Posts: 126

    Hi @piaandersson... 🙂

    I did play 3,4,7,11,12,13... (it's just a example, I played blue levels ) and... each level I did past, was in a first time 🤭 and I did only 20levels 😜

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032

    @Rosenrot Since it says 20 levels that should been fine. And also the way that you played it. You should not have to pass the level on first time. I had a couple of levels that I had to play a couple of time.

    Only tips I can give. If this comes again and you have it. Play a couple more levels in case that have been some glitch when you played it.


    I hope @QueenB or @QueenMia report to the studio the bugs that are in this goldbar challenge and in the superchallenge so it works as it should.

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,777

    I asked and yes, you can previous levels 😊

    @piaandersson Thanks for the feedback and we'll make sure to pass on to the team 👍️

    All we know is for now is that the feature is still under testing so this is good feedback!

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032

    @QueenB In my opinon this gold bars challenge and the superchallenge (that I linked to on page 1) are the best things they have put in the game. Not only because it is god rewards. But this two can everyone do, even new player as soon they have reach enough levels that they need to have to play. The only thing the studio have to fix is so the popup (for this two challenge) that tell you that you have the challenge show up so one don´t miss it.

    And maybe they could look into that rosenrot wrote about. Played 20 levels and yet missed the reward. Played like that it should have giving the goldbars.

  • Rosenrot
    Rosenrot Posts: 126

    thanks for considering me @piaandersson

    and I already understood one of your questions well ...

    my answer is: I did play 10 levels of reverse ha ha ha ha:

    30, 29, 27, 26, 23, (blue only) 😂

    ha ha ha

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,397

    I regret that I have never gotten this challenge. I would not pass up a chance to win gold bars.

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032

    @Rosenrot If you played some levels reversed that´s probably the reson why you didn´t get the goldbars. I think you have to play them in turn. So your levels should have been 23, 26, 27, 29, 30. Next time play them only in turn.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?