Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
Let’s play momma and daddy
C'est le 10ème niveau que je te termine. Je voudrais bien sortir maintenant!
No wue no perros
You guys are cracking me up 😂Please keep your captions coming!
Also, psst... @Maylis54 @shallabal @arianita @Jacomete - Please note that we only use English on the King Community, to make sure that everyone understand and can be understood. Therefore, feel free to re-post in English - Thank you 😉
If you wish to speak Spanish, French or German, you can check our International Corner here!
Thanks everyone! See you around 🍒
I won
** Edited by CM - Off-Topic **
** Edited by CM - Unuspported Language **
Darn. I just can't seem to pass this level.
Even the dog play Farm Heroes
You mean like I won- I seriously won. Wow how exciting.😐️