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Internet connections issues

sueolliesand Posts: 17 Level 2
edited July 2020 in Support

When will these be sorted? It’s been weeks now.

I know there are some problems but what is being done about it?

i can just about manage to play, but with problems.

Sue an Unhappy lover of farm heroes spanning back about 7 years!



  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,043 Sweet Legend

    Hello and welcome to this community

    Please check your internet or wifi connection.

    Check app update> Sign out game> Restart device and wait 5 minutes after turning on> Open game and sign in. And if you have updated it, be sure to clear the cache. This is important!!!

    Good luck

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,702 Community Hub Moderator

    Hi there Sue, I would also recommend that you check with your internet connection since you have been facing the same issue for a week. Please check with your local service provider on this to get it resolved.

    Meanwhile, please also try to cut down on any online streaming, if any, such as watching movie, video or even engaging in multi player online games, which may slow down or disrupt the internet connection. Hope this helps.

    Enjoy your game and have a nice day.🌈

  • sueolliesand
    sueolliesand Posts: 17 Level 2


    My internet is fine.

    i have also tried using the internet on my phone but the problems are still there.

    I have no problems with any other king game only farm heroes.

    I can’t log in to my king account!

    I can occasionally log in through Facebook but I don’t really want to.

    I can’t use any magic bean for games as it says connection error.

    i have reset my iPad. I don’t stream or watch videos. I have deleted the game and re installed it. Basically I have done everything I can !

    Regards Sue

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,702 Community Hub Moderator

    Hi Sue, May I know whether you have tried the recommendation made by Spinnifix i.e checking updates for the game, restarting your device etc? If not, pls try as you didn't mentioned in your feedback and I'm guessing the game app is not updated that's why you are not able to play FSH Whilst other can.

    FYI, any accumulated booster stored will be lost after reinstallation because it's stored locally on your device.

    Please let us know if you manage to access the game if you have updated it.

    Thank you.😊🐰

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 13,942 Community Manager

    Hi @sueolliesand,

    In case the steps that @Spinnifix and @wykoon does not help, can you try clearing the Safari cache and see if that helps?

    - Disconnect the game from Facebook/King account (if connected).

    - Delete Facebook App if you have it installed.

    - Clear cache from your Safari: (Super Important).

    - Restart the device and try connecting the game back to Facebook/King account.

    Let us know how it goes 🤗

  • sueolliesand
    sueolliesand Posts: 17 Level 2

    Hi queen Bee

    Right. I have deleted Facebook as instructed. I use google chrome not safari so I have emptied my history. I have turned my iPad off and on again.

    So my Farm heroes seems Slightly better. My friends or some of them have appeared. I never used to log in through Facebook just my Ming account, I only used Facebook when I couldn’t play at all. So. Now I just want to play through my King account but when I try to log in It just keeps trying but not succeeding. Also the little internet “thingie “ keeps going round. (Most of the time)

    Any other suggestions would be much appreciated

    kind regards


  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,702 Community Hub Moderator

    Hi Sue, now I see you're having the intermittent internet connection issue that slows down your game, best is to check with your local service provider to fix it or upgrade to a better plan, if needed. If there are high usage of data in your house households, may I suggest you try to cut down on any live streaming, online video etc whilst you're on your game, if any because too many online activities may disrupt the internet flow.

    Or you can connect your iPad using your mobile hotspot if you have data plan in your mobile. This is what I usually do if my home internet line is not working properly, so I use my phone's WiFi instead.

    Hope you can continue playing your games smoothly. If all these issues appear, best is to just repeat the necessary steps that we have recommended earlier.

    Good day and thank you for your feedback 😊🍭

  • sueolliesand
    sueolliesand Posts: 17 Level 2

    Hi Queen bee

    I am still extremely unhappy

    1. My internet is fine I only have problems with king
    2. I have linked my iPad to my iphone and used the my internet and it still doesn’t work
    3. I have deleted Facebook from my ipad
    4. i have deleted Spotify from my ipad
    5. I can’t log in to my king account, it just says connection error
    6. i have deleted farm heroes , closed my iPad down and restarted, and re installed farm heroes still no luck
    7. I have 16 gold bars but I can’t draw them down to use
    8. i never get any extra quests
    9. All your other games work fine on my iPad

    HELP still needed



  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,702 Community Hub Moderator

    Hi Sue, sorry to know nothing works for you. Are you able to provide any screenshots of your log in issue and the connection error message. This will be helpful as we can pass it to the technical team, if needed. Thanks for reporting back to us and your patience is much appreciated.

    I'm tagging @QueenB so she can offer further solutions.

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 13,942 Community Manager

    Sorry to hear nothing is helping but just to make sure, you delete the game app right? If yes, then I am afraid we've tried all that we can think of but, I asked to clear Safari cache and you said you use Google which is fine.

    So my question is, you did not clear the Safari cache right? If this is the case, can you please try it the steps I sent before and clear the Safari cache?

    Thanks 😉

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