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🎁Choo Choo Challenge! What are your thoughts 🤔

QueenB Posts: 15,777
edited February 2022 in Feedback

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What is Choo Choo's Challenge?

Choo Choo the Chick has been out and about with her collection of gifts, visiting her friends. Startled by Rancid while out wandering, she dropped her gifts!

Choo Choo wants you to help collect the boxes. If you reach them in time, the contents are yours to keep 😉

Each box has a timer on it, so act fast before Rancid gets them first!

👉 How do I take part?

Choo Choo's parcels appear ahead on your game map. Check the path through the Saga and when the event is active, you'll see those gorgeous gifts ahead on the trail. Bronze, silver, and gold to collect!

🎁 What can I win?

You can win Magic Beans, Recharges of your boosters and extra collectible boosters if you reach the right boxes. Each one of the three boxes carries a bigger prize than the previous one.

Don't forget that Recharge boosters will top up any booster you've used, but only if it reached 0 in your attempt.

Extra boosters are available in the later boxes, so keep on moving and you can win those too!

🎮 When can I play?

Choo Choo's challenge is visible in your Events tab and you will also be able to see the gift boxes ahead of your current position on the map screen.  

Good luck on your journey and gather those gifts before Rancid raids them!

👉 Want to let us know what you think about this feature?

Do you like this type of event? Do you like the challenge and the rewards? What would you like to see done differently?

It would mean a lot to us if you can help us make the game even better 🙌



  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,777
  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,104

    Hi, @QueenB I love Choo Choo, she is adorable 😍 These gift boxes can be very useful if we are short with beans and boosters. However, I don't always play the game on a daily basis but I always visit to get daily rewards. This means that sometimes I collect a lot of boosters and the recharging that Choo Choo is offering actually doesn't do anything for me as it counts only if you have non of a certain booster. As for the beans, I always appreciate them. Never enough beans! 😉

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,397

    Hello @QueenB, I LOVE the Choo Choo Challenge! I agree with @firebombmarkus that the booster recharges are not always useful (when I still have some) but the gifts usually inspire me to play more levels and keep trying to get all the gifts. My only suggestion might be to include some of the more difficult boosters to the mix, such as the egg cracker, clean up, super fruit or Amelia's airdrop.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,400

    I see them ahead of me, all gifts are accepted as its nice to get freebies. I don't get to ugrab them so much though as it takes me longer to get through the levels.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello dear @QueenB 🤗

    Thank you for this article and for the tag ❤️

    I love the prizes that Choo Choo gives us. Yes, it is true that the first 3 boxes contain only "recharge" of the 4 regular boosters. But, later comes the grand prizes, and I love all of them.

    Currently it runs for 1 day (technically, it runs for 36 hours +), but not sure why it says as 1 day. Once the first day is over, the timer is displayed from 24:00:00.

    I have 3 requests -- may be big ones!!!!

    1) Have a fixed time for the Choo Choo challenge to start ---> the reason I am saying this is -- I see the challenge at a random time in my game! Let's say, I have opened my game this morning, I do not see the event! But, when I open the game again later in the day, it is already on! It is the same every time! So, I would like to know when it actually starts, so that I can be ready with full lives 😄

    2) I would like to request to extend the event for 3 days (like it used to a long time back). Since I am in higher levels, I am not able to finish the levels in given time and hence, I am not able to open 100% of the gift boxes. I am able to finish less than 50% only! It does not make sense to spend boosters to reach the gift box(es) that contains some other boosters 😅

    Also, I do not want to rush in my game, but go slowly and enjoy it. And, it will not be possible when the timer is running in a sideline 😮 I think this time, I have opened only 4 boxes - in which 3 of them had "recharge" of the regular boosters 😔

    3) I agree with @MountainMom 😍 It would be wonderful and super helpful if an "Egg Cracker" booster can be added in the "Gold" gift box.

    I am asking only for "Egg Cracker" booster -- for me, it is the most useful one than all the other "special boosters".

    As always, Thank you very much for asking for our Feedback 🙏 ❤️

  • candycrushinit
    candycrushinit Posts: 12,603

    Thanks for tagging me @PummyRaj!

    I got all the prizes in Choo Choo’s Challenge many times. The magic beans and extra boosters are nice, but the one I don’t get at all are the recharge boosters. I have so many unused boosters that there is nothing to top it off. Except for the Egg Cracker, Clean Up, and all the pre-game boosters. I would like to have them as a reward not a recharge.

  • KingChewy
    KingChewy Posts: 13,713

    @QueenB - I love the Choo Choo challenge. Every time I receive the event I complete it to ensure I get the max rewards. However if i were to change anything it would probably be the ‘recharge’ at the beginning as usually I find myself starting with no need for those. The other change would be the final reward as 24 hours is nice but often after completing an episode to win all the prizes I often take a break and never get back to fully utilize it.

    I would love @MountainMom or @PummyRaj (ps thanks for the tag) suggestions for more valuable boosters to offset the loss of the free time.

    Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback 💪🏻🍩

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,397

    I agree with @KingChewy that I usually am not interested in 24 hours of unlimited lives after completing Choo Choo's Challenge. Perhaps that would be a good time to give an egg cracker (@PummyRaj's favorite) or clean up booster. Also, perhaps 2 hours of unlimited lives could be a reward in an earlier gift box. What do you think @QueenB?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?