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Roll To Dodge! (JOIN THE FUN - whenever you want!)

WaveLino Posts: 66 Level 2
edited August 2020 in Off-Topic

Hello everybody! I am Wavelino, and I'm going to invite you all to a game of Roll to Dodge!

Roll to Dodge is a game where people submit actions, whereupon the moderator of the game (that'll be me) rolls a die, determining how well someone will succeed at their action. The goal is mostly to have fun, but also to survive from the Rolls to Dodge!

In general, the higher I roll your action, the better your character will succeed at said action. But roll too high, and you'll overshoot. Roll too low, and your action might come back like a boomerang in your eye.

I reckon I should give you an example.

Let's say your submitted action was "Jump over a fence". Here's what the results would be for each of the six possible outcomes:

1: You can't jump an inch high at all, so you run straight into the fence.

2: You attempt to jump over the fence, but you can't make it over, softly landing on the grass below. You haven't reached the other side.

3: You succeed to make it over, but one of your pockets caught a picket of the fence, leaving you hanging upside down. Now you have to figure out how to get down without hurting yourself.

4: You make a smooth jump over the fence.

5: You land a double somersault as you vault over the fence like a true gymnast.

6: Your shoes now have springs in them, sending you flying right up in a tree. How will you get down?

You may join at any time by submitting an action. If you feel like it, you can write a bit of backstory about your character, but I will always do the same when submitting your actions.

As a start to the story, "you all wake up in a dark room, not knowing how you came there or how you will get out. What will you do?"

Remember, anything can be your action, so be creative and try to think of ways to progress and advance in the story. I will mostly help you out on your way to potential victory (note: I haven't decided yet if there will be a winning condition, but I will decide this as the story progresses, depending on your actions), but sometimes, when the rolls are against you, I will give you a hard time.

Good luck!


And here I'll tag some people that I hope are interested in playing: @QueenMia @Diamond Lim @kavidina @mysticalmysty @SBH @kiara_wael @firebombmarkus


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?