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KatKhittie Level 2


  • @Lady_Choo , I passed that level and it didn't take 88 moves. LOL. Working on 1983 now, the Super Hard Level.
  • @Grumpy_Old_Man, LOL so true. I can't believe it took 88 moves to complete this level. Still curious how they did it.
  • @Grumpy_Old_Man, LOL, that's exactly what I thought! @PummyRaj, yes that person used "cheats," I was just curious how they did it. Thanks for the link to @Lady_Choo, I will check it out.
  • @PummyRaj @encantes Thank you both for your replies. No ads show up on on my iPhone, iPad, or Chromebook. Yes, I watched a video. I can't post the video link because this page is giving me this message "You have to be around for a little while longer before you can post links." Maybe I can type in the link leaving off the…

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