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TerminatorBarbie Level 2


  • Amen! If I were a CCS advertiing customer I'd be mad/furious, and asking "what in heck are you doing pushing players to the point that they're so mad they're no longer willing to view our ads?" Somebody would have some serious explaining to do!
  • Like you I was curious about ads, who gets them, who doesn't, and exactly how much CCS is being paid when we watch ads. I decided to research it from the ad purchaser angle, ie... How much do companies pay to advertise here? What are the different ad packages?, and how is the advertiser charged? That's when I decided to…
  • It makes no sense to me that CCS would make the odds so miserable players like myself quit watching ads altogether. Their algorithm knows I don't spend cash. The only way CCS was profiting from me was by my own willingness to watch ads, which they get paid very well per click! It took a few days, but my brain has…
  • By testing they mean seeing whether or not you will pay to play.
  • I am so old, stubborn, and feisty I'm no longer spending any bonuses in my inventory/gold bars, NOTHING! I get my knickers in a knot when anyone/anything tries to twist my arm/mind. Game On Algorithm, we're gonna have one heck of a long "Come To Jesus" meeting!💪🏼😅 🤣😂🤣😂
  • Same thing I'm experiencing. Just extra moves isn't worth watching the ads. They think they can lock us into watching 4 ads for a very slight chance of completing the level. I quit watching the ads.
  • You just nailed it! There is a ton of psychology/ mental manipulation involved. My feet are dug in, I only watch if I just leveled up. When the game locks up to push me to watch the 3 at the end I refuse. I'll stick it out on the same level. Our time is worth money too!
  • I feel the same way. I play my 25 lives in under 30 minutes and bounce out. I still get opportunities to watch ads, but only for 5 extra moves. I'm no longer being offered the bonuses that will allow you to complete the level . When this change first occurred I took the chance. I had one move left to win so I watched the 3…
  • Is the device (cell phone) you're playing on out of space?
  • I understand, and best wishes to you going forward.
  • I believe it said the priest's incident occured before the timing of the tournament, God only knows what that would have cost the parish! 😱
  • This happened to me after I made a purchase on Candy Crush. The ads eventually came back on mine, but I had also closed my PayPal account/never paid to play again. Seeing how chameleon candies work was a huge factor in my decision not to pay to play. The computer has the upper hand. It can slam the brakes on our forward…
  • I agree. A few extra moves is not worth watching the ads because you're still gonna lose. I hope they rethink this strategy. I encourage you to hang in there for a couple of weeks to see if they switch it back. This has got to be costing them a chunk of change!! Lots of players are starting to post on this subject.😬
  • Yup! Iearned that a couple of years via a .99 cent purchase. Right after making a purchase I got a warning from PayPal that someone was attempting to compromise my account. I hadn't used that PayPal account for anything else in years. I instantly shut down my PayPal account and never paid to play again. If CCS wants to…
  • It was a good exercise in "just how addicted to this (BLEEP) are we?".😅🤣😂🤣😂 I knew I liked playing, but I didn't realize I was addicted until it all went haywire. I'm a stubborn old broad, I don't pay to play.😅 In this economy who can spend money on a game with chameleon candies? 🤨 I'm blown away that people invest…
  • Did y'all see the criminal case where the priest stole $40,000.00 from his parish? Most of it was spent to level up on CCS. He's paid back 18k, but I believe it'sstill moving through the legal system. I had done a Google search on CCS, to see if others were posting about the same issues I was experiencing. I set the search…
  • I had the same experience for a week. I believe what was at the root of my problem was that I was out of space on my phone. I know that seems weird, but within an hour of fixing my space issue "most" (not all) of the problems were able to be resolved. I was getting a notice every time I opened the CCS app telling my I…
  • Fascinating conversation! I find it interesting that Microsoft purchased Activision Blizzard. I wonder if this had anything to do with changes here.🤔
  • I think a lot of the issues I was having had to do with a lack of space on my device. About an hour after I fixed the space issue the emails from support were delivered and I was able to reset my passwords. I forced stopped the CCS app, turned off my device, waited a few minutes, and then turned it back on. After my first…
  • PS Some of you know me on Candy Crush as Lives, Share Them To Get Them…🙋🏼‍♀️ I apologize to those of you who thought I was ignoring your requests for help with lives. I had serious malfunctions occur with this site over the past 3 days.

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