Hard Level 4255
I am stuck on this level. Playing without boosters or gold at the moment. I watched @Johnny_Crush video already. I need assistance @christinewupp @MannyFae @QueenB.
Level 4249
I am having trouble with this level. I have the chocolate candy as booster. I watched @Johnny_Crush video already. I need assistance @christinewupp @MannyFae @PummyRaj.
Don’t Feed the Troll
I think they changed the troll. Now you need 2000 orange candies instead of 2500. The rewards look a little different also.
Where is Don’t Feed The Troll
Anybody seen the troll yet?
Hard Level 4234
I am having trouble with this level. I watched @Johnny_Crush video already. I am playing without boosters or gold at the moment. I need assistance @christinewupp @MannyFae @PummyRaj.
Hard Level 4218
I have been stuck on this board way too long. I watched @Johnny_Crush video already. I am playing without boosters or gold at the moment. I need assistance. @christinewupp @MannyFae @PummyRaj.
Hard Level 4218
I have been stuck on this board way too long. I watched @Johnny_Crush video already. I am playing without boosters or gold at the moment. I need assistance @christinewupp @MannyFae @PummyRaj.
Nightmarishly Hard Level 4213
I have been stuck on this level way too long. I watched @Johnny_Crush video already. Playing without boosters or gold at the moment. I need assistance. @christinewupp @MannyFae @QueenB
Hard Level 4209
I am stuck on this level playing without boosters or gold at the moment. I need assistance @christinewupp @MannyFae.
Super Hard Level 4205
I have been stuck on this level for too long. I watched @Johnny_Crush video already. Playing without boosters or gold at the moment. I need assistance @christinewupp @MannyFae.