Bug with Rewards Lounge
If you make a purchase, say 6 hours of lives, you will get +69 gold to your counter for the rewards lounge. If the game closes for any reason, kicked out/closed it, the previous gold used will in fact be again added to the counter. This can also happen when you get the rewards so you can double the effect basically. This…
Ever wonder what the music files are called?
CandyComa CaramelCanyonCamels ChocolateInducedCardiacArrest DreamingofChocolateFudge FrostedBrainFreezeTartar IceSkatingOnLiquoriceLake SouffleAuWrappedCandy TaffyBonbonToothFairy SwimmingwiththeFishes Stinger_Jingle_Lose Stinger_Jingle_Win ChocolateInducedCardiacArrest and SwimmingwiththeFishes are the best
Next Season
So based on the spearmint snowstorm, the next season should start on or around Mar 10. What does everyone expect to see on Mar 10?
The Cat Came Back the Very Next Game
Rules: Extra turns allowed No buying gold No Hints Must get to 66 with no lost lives 6 hour sessions, min 1 a day when possible (Try, but not required) Rage less, crush more Many more bad puns in posts Trust King to break something fixing something else (Daily Treat Machine now apparently) Anyway last Monday was supposed…
What currently is considered the "time out" for an episode race?
@QueenB It used to be ~24 hours from the start of the race. I started a race yesterday around 11:30 AST and it ended at around 13:30-14:00 AST. This is a comically short period of time for anyone who… well works. So my question is, has the timeout been shortened to ~14 hours OR is it now set to a certain time of day in a…
The Cat Came Back the Very Next Day
Welp lets try this again, forum ate the last one. So last Monday should have been the game BUT well you all know what happened. Right now running the previous build of the game, like last week it actually works. Rules: Extra turns allowed No buying gold No Hints Must get to 66 with no lost lives 6 hour sessions, min 1 a…