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Level 2873

Sev_Mo Posts: 2

Level 1


I cannot open the next level despite having passed the level 2873 several times.

Please could you helo me ?

Thanks you.


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @Sev_Mo🤗 A Warm Welcome to the King Community!

    Are you playing Farm Heroes Super Saga? If so, which device are you using?

    Do you see stars on level 2873 - on the game map screen?

    To reply back, you can type in the blank box given below 🍅

  • Sev_Mo
    Sev_Mo Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Hello @PummyRaj !

    Thank you for your warm welcoming 😊

    I'm playing with Farm Heroes Super Saga with the app mobile and I'm using a Redmi Note 9S.

    When I finish the level 2873, I see the map with the stars for previous levels : no stars on the 2873, and the next level available to play is always 2873 (again and again 😅).

    I hope these informations will help you.

    Thanks in advance for your support.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Thank you very much for explaining the issue @Sev_Mo🤗

    I would suggest you to contact the Player Support team and send a complaint. They will check if there is a glitch in the game. Please follow below steps (& images)⬇️

    (Below screenshots are from my iPad game. It should be almost the same on your device too😉)

    1) On your game Home Screen, click on the icon that has 3 lines located in bottom left corner;

    2) From the appeared menu, select “Help Center” option;

    3) Scroll down and go to the option —> New Levels / Level Help;

    4) Select the option —> I passed a level - why didn’t it move me forward;

    5) In the appeared screen, click on “Contact Us” button that is located at the bottom of the page;

    6) You will be asked to fill out a complaint form! Fill it out carefully and submit it.

    You would receive an automated email which is an acknowledgement. Please do not delete that! Wait for couple of hours and send a reply to that automated email and inform that you need an agent's help.

    Sometimes, getting help from Player Support team is a delayed process as they are busy with all King Saga games. So, please be patient and don’t give up! If you do not hear back even after 3 days, send another reply through that automated email.

    ** If you do not receive any reply even after 4 days, please let me know and I will alert our Community In-charge to find out the issue.

    Please let me know if you have further questions or need assistance🐿️

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