Never get lives
I am on level 1700 and play regularly. I always send lives to other players and regularly request lives when I run out but never get these requests answered by having lives sent to me. I get growth which suggests others receive my lives. It would be nice to have some friends on my list that return my generosity
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4000 *Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English
*Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rule
Farm Heroes Super
Hello, can’t get into the game since last night (21.11.22). It loads and then just closes. Any idea how to fix this? Playing on iOS 16 on iPad thanks
Game not loading
Hello, I cannot get into the games. It appears to load but then closes straight away. Been happening since yesterday 22.11.22. I'm on iOS 16 on iPad with the game being loaded from the AppStore . Help,please!
I have been a member for 3 yrs. Why am I not able to play online? I don't want to use my phone.
I hate using my phone, and I don't use social media, it sux. So how do I get on the games like I use to play? Please get back asap, thank you. 😐️
Hi 👋🏻
Level 4259 not being recorded
This discussion was created from comments split from: Super Questions Quests: Make the game even more croptastic!.
how to download Farm Heroes Super Saga
I have Farm Heroes Super Saga on my phone an like to play it on my PC. I don't find it how or where to downloading it. I have already a King account
Which cropsie are you?
Howdy, Super Farmers! Have you ever wondered..."if I were a Cropsie, what Cropsie would I be?" Well, I haven't- but NOW I'd like to find out 😁 ➡️ Choose the sentence that describes you the best! 🍅 I'm self-confident and a natural leader! In this case, the tomato is your "soul Cropsie." Someone to look up to for advice and…