Out of Lives
Hello, Why is the "x" button not working when the "out of lives" panel pops up? I used to be able to use the "x" button to close it but have to use the back arrow now. This issue started on 9-24-20. Please advise and fix. Thank you.
How to pass level 957 ?
Ganes are rigged
All your King games are rigged to make people pay to play. Every one of them that I play, I do well at first, but then, after reaching a certain level, nothing I do works. All the games do is make you lose so you will buy bars to keep playing. What a scam!
Level 1725 gives few birds
Level 1725 has 20 moves and requires 20 birds. However I've played at least 10-20 times and at the start of 9-11 of the moves, there is no bird on the screen to get. In fact, on one try, I didn't see a bird added to the screen until the 8th move. Makes it really hard to get 20 birds when it only provides one bird on half…
Farm Heros Super Saga
Hi, I got to level 2050 on my iPad, but then I lost everything and I had to start from the very beginning.....again. However, when I go onto my laptop I can get to where I was (2050) but there is no next level. im really confused, hope you can help
Facebook Farm Heroes Super Saga has been on level 2050 level for over a month.
When I play on iPhone or iPad it is advanced beyond that level. What is the holdup for getting an update for Facebook?
I cannot see where I need to go to connect with Facebook also any help would be greatly appreciated
How do I connect with Facebook and king both
I can not get game to load. Have had this account for years. P
I can’t send nor receive lives via Facebook. Check the info here
Dear community, Facebook recently made a change to its platform, and this means that you might experience issues when sending or receiving lives. We’d like you to know that we are aware of this issue, and we’re working to fix it as quickly as possible for PPS Please rest assured that these fixes will arrive in future…
HOLA!! Cuando comienzo un nivel me aparece un cartel que dice que apriete dos veces el erizo para juntar cosechas pero ¡NUNCA APARECE EN EL JUEGO ESE ERIZO!