Discussion List
Why can't I play on 🤖 Android 5 anymore?
Hello Farmers! We have some news for those of you who play on 🤖 Android devices! Farm Heroes Super Saga no longer supports Android 5. That means if your device uses Android 5, you won’t receive any new features, events of fixes, as you won't be able to update the game. Please be aware that without the latest version of the…
On level 83 how do you get the squirrel to move to get the nut?
I can't seen to get the squirrel to move and get the nut on level 83! Help!!!!!!
1000 level badge
1000 level badge…
Level 1803?
50 acorns? It only has 25!
Level 1803?
It says I need 50 acorns but there is only 25 there to get.
BBonjour, la liste de mes amis a disparu malgré mes déconnexions / reconnexion. Comment se faire des amis fermiers pour pouvoir demander des vies?
New Friends
Is there any groups on here that actually help their teams with lives?
Necesitamos algunas vidas🥺
Hola necesito vidas
probleme Farm Heroes Super Saga
Bonjours a tous, j'ai besoin de votre aide, lorsque je n'ai plus de vie sur Farm Heroes Super Saga (derniere version) , et lorsque j'en demande on me demande mon surnom , je le remet et impossible de valider, comment faire pour le valider , merci a tous👍️
If I put my nickname in nothing's happens. This has nevers happened before. This is the reason that I can’t get help from my friends