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steinein Level 2


  • If Win10 players are going to continue to be beta testers/guinea pigs we need to be given extra consideration (as in replacement of lost boosters, gold, ended win runs, blown team goals, fast races, etc.) when we lose them on levels that are found to be broken or otherwise impossible. Yeah I know fat chance.
    in 8966 Comment by steinein March 2021
  • Any news on when this will be fixed? (The cherries are still not falling early enough to complete this within the allotted moves).
  • Even without the booster issue, it is impossible to finish because the licorice and waffles fall every single move, so you're always blocked. This level needs to be fixed for that as well.
  • I was able to get past it 1st thing this morning. No boosters or extra moves needed.
  • Fixed. It popped the last couple of licorice on the last move and cleared them.
  • Such a simple fix. Add one more licorice to the board at the start and it is done. There really is no reason for the holdup. On the other hand, @psych17, just FYI, opening new threads once a day to complain isn't going to make it happen any faster. And not for nothing they don't need to nerf this level. Nerfing would…
  • Considering this is the 2nd week in a row that had a level with licorice issues (last week it was too many, this week too few), someone needs to have a chat with the licorice elves (snort).
  • What exactly is this customer support you speak of? All I've ever gotten was an auto response telling me to come here. *eye roll*
  • What double sucks is that I am losing my fast race gold and winning streak because I refuse to waste gold to get past it (and two of the other players, who were far behind me when I got stuck yesterday are now past me (either used gold or were lucky enough to have an extra move)).
  • It's still messed up as of 2pm EST. That last licorice is still impossible to get.
  • Same here *le sigh*
  • I did and it kept happening. The best part of coming here for help is being called a liar. Every single time. So fun.
  • @kiara_wael ** YAWN ** You always say there's no issue, and there always is. And in this case, again, yes it did/does. But I got a lucky board and got past it before it happened again. They should fix this before anyone else gets stuck.
  • Level has been adjusted 2/12/21 10:00am EST.
  • Not only is this level impossible, and they won't admit it, but they deleted (not moved, deleted) two other discussion threads from yesterday about it. SMH. Come on, King, just stop this garbage and fix it so we can move on. Even with boosters this level is currently IMPOSSIBLE.
  • sigh This is yet another level where unless you got it in advance (the video creators) or got to it within the 1st couple of hours of release you're screwed because they changed it to make it harder. In this case it is now FLAWED because the licorice drops every move so there's no way to get to the last couple of jellies.…
  • Its not clearing them that is the issue, the issue is they're not dropping at all. Either way this level needs to be removed it is garbage!
  • The cherries aren't the worst issue. The bigger problem is that the keys aren't dropping at a fast enough rate. When will this be fixed?
  • Confirmed. It's been nerfed. One and done, no boosters needed.
  • As far as I can see this morning nothing has changed. The waffles still fall every move so that it is impossible to get to the jellies on the bottom. Edit: And are there less moves than before? Or is it required to clear more waffles and licorice to open the center rows? I am running out of moves before even getting a…

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