April Showers Bring May Flowers That Hide Secrets That Many Desire
Check out the petriffic Community competition from two of our Superstars here!
Beat our Superstar 🐾⭐ - Round 15! (finished)
Are you a real Pet Rescue Master and a game expert? If you are, then play the level our Superstar @kiara_wael played and try to beat her score to win Gold Bars to your game! Post a screen shot of your score from the level here below. Five randomly picked players that beat the score will win 15 Gold Bars each when the…
Beat our Superstar 🐾⭐ - Round 14! (finished)
Are you a real Pet Rescue Master and a game expert? If you are, then play the level our Superstar @kiara_wael played and try to beat her score to win Gold Bars to your game! Post a screen shot of your score from the level here below. Five randomly picked players that beat the score will win 15 Gold Bars each when the…
Beat our Superstar 🐾⭐ - Round 12! (finished)
👪 New to the Community? Register here in just 2 seconds! Are you a real Pet Rescue Master and a game expert? If you are, then play the level our Superstar @kiara_wael played and try to beat her score to win Gold Bars to your game! Post a screen shot of your score from the level here below. The player with the highest score…
Beat our Superstar 🐾⭐ - Round 13! (finished)
👪 New to the Community? Register here in just 2 seconds! Are you a real Pet Rescue Master and a game expert? If you are, then play the level our Superstar @kiara_wael played and try to beat her score to win Gold Bars to your game! Post a screen shot of your score from the level here below. The player with the highest score…
Beat our Superstar 🐾⭐ - Round 11! (finished)
Do you have what it takes? Are you a real Pet Rescue Master and a game expert? If you you do, then play the level our Superstar @kiara_wael played and try to beat her score to win Gold Bars to your game! Post a screen shot of your score from the level here below. The player with the highest score will win 20 Gold Bars and…
Pet Rescue Memory - Round 1 (finished)
Let's play some good old fashioned Memory! Pick two cards and if it's a match you have won Gold Bars! If you get a match you will win Gold Bars as follow, if you found the same Pet you've won 25 Gold Bars and the Blocks of same colour are 10 Gold Bars. Post here below which two cards you pick and think is a match. For…
Beat our Superstar ⭐ - Round 5! (finished)
Do you have what it takes? Are you a real Pet Rescue Master? A game expert and a true Pet Rescuer in the Kingdom? If you think you do, then play the level our Superstar @kiara_wael played and try to beat her score on the level. Post a screen shot of your score from that level to get the chance to win Gold Bars. The player…
Beat our Superstar 🐾⭐ - Round 7! (finished)
Do you have what it takes? Are you a real Pet Rescue Master and a game expert? If you you do, then play the level our Superstar @kiara_wael played and try to beat her score to win Gold Bars to your game! Post a screen shot of your score from the level here below. The player with the highest score will win 25 Gold Bars and…
Beat our Superstar 🐾⭐ - Round 10! (finished)
Do you have what it takes? Are you a real Pet Rescue Master and a game expert? If you you do, then play the level our Superstar @kiara_wael played and try to beat her score to win Gold Bars to your game! Post a screen shot of your score from the level here below. The player with the highest score will win 20 Gold Bars and…