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Level 1
About the Chat! why did the chat get discontinued ? Instead of closing the chat to all of us why not just the ones who started issues?Raciest hate remarks or sex talk ? i met some very nice people on the chat who i no longer can talk to! It seams unfair to punish all of us over the actions of a few .Not every person was rude crude filled with hate or trying for a hook up .In some ways we helped each other and no longer felt alone we found others out there who had same issues or had been through it before
Hey Betty, this was something that Facebook introduced and then took away. It was in all Facebook games not just Pet Rescue. If you know the names of the people you were chatting with then add them up on Facebook.
I need hearts I’m stuck on my level
You need to send out a request for lives to all of your friends then if it will let you, check your inbox 🤗
Where will I see my friends?
If you click on the little heart icon in the top left corner when you have run our of lives, it should give you the option to send some requests and your friends should be there.
How do you find your friends on here that you have on Pet Rescue Saga?