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Problem progressing beyond level 732

Alan_Jones Posts: 1 Newbie

I have completed level 732 and I am now at the mystery quest, but levels after 720 are in cloud on the map and although they can be played, the game keeps defaulting back to level 720.  This is on Android, it doesn't do this on Facebook.  I complete the three mystery quests but on finishing the third, it just says missing param and doesn't allow me to progress.  I have reinstalled the game, updated to the latest version and completed the mystery quests at least 4 times, each time with the same result.  Has anyone been able to get beyond level 732 on android?


  • Randle
    Randle Posts: 1,977 Level 2

    Hey Alan,

    Sounds like you´ve done all the necessary already.

    Are you currently still stuck on this level 732?

  • Becky-5
    Becky-5 Posts: 1 Newbie

    This is not an answer to your problem but I wanted to say the same thing is happening on my ipad.  It continuously takes me to level 1015.  All levels beyond 1024 are in the clouds and though I cannot see them, I have tapped the screen randomly to find the other levels and have beat them all...I am now at the point to asking for help for the next episode but can't because even my random taps cannot find it again.  I can only assume that this is a Pet Rescue/ipad issue and not just an ipad issue.  I need to find out how to fix this.  I messaged King but have yet to receive a reply.

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