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Level 1
I will only have one pet left to save with plenty of moves left, but there are no pets to save and then I get a pop up that I didn't rescue the set number of pets. It's is very frustrating. This happens all the time!!
I think it works the same way as Candy where they only appear so many moves after the last one has been rescued which is obviously intended to make the levels more tricky as you need to have a certain number of moves left to play which isn't always possible. It's part of the challenge!
It can also depend on the Level. Some Levels have Pets drop within a few moves of you clearing the last one, some only fall in particular columns, (so you need to make space in that column for them) some only allow a specific number of Pets on the board at a time and some really are just random. Once you know how a Level 'works' it is easier to do.