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Achievements not showing

KT-3 Posts: 2

Level 1

I play Pet Rescue on mobile phone and thru Facebook app. My achievements on the mobile phone are not reflecting, right now I have done more than 30 levels with 15 or more moves left, but only shows 10 - 33% under Bust a Move, and stuck on 6%on Let Me Out. These I have done on the Facebook app. The two show the same level progress and sync, but achievements on phone don't register. Is there a way to get then to register since I play about 90% of the time on phone


  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755

    Where do you go to find the achievements for Pet Rescue on mobile? I can only see mine when I'm playing on

  • KT-3
    KT-3 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    On the mobile map, you can check your achievements by pressing your avatar picture in the same way you see them on FB by pressing on your picture on the map. Hope that helps :-)

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