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butterflies that don't register the pets you have collected

Jodibird Posts: 2 Newbie

this game is a ripoff when you have a butterfly challenge to get the things to release a butterfly if two of them release and take two pets instead of adding that number to what you have it deducts one!!! I had one pet already then got two butterflies to take two more pets but instead of giving me 3 it said I only rescued 2 what happened to the one I had before I got the two????? I have seen this happen many times in this situation it doesn't let you get credit for the ones you have!! Also, you have to use up a turn just to get the butterfly jar to drop out so you can know what colors you have to get!!! This is level 892 I am trying to play but I have seen this happen in other levels What gives????


  • Wunderbaum
    Wunderbaum Posts: 4,398 Level 5

    Hi Jodibird!

    I have checked the level and I don't think there's anything wrong in how the level should work.

    Did you check some of the video tutorials on YouTube?

    I've found this one showing how the level can be completed:

    Maybe you could make a video or post some screenshots of the issue you have with the level? It would make it easier to check if everything is OK or if there's a bug in the game.

    Cheers :-)

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