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pet rescue

ksarnold Posts: 1 Newbie

pet rescue hasn't work today on my desk top that I play thru facebook.  But I have been able to play on my ipad


  • Hugs
    Hugs Posts: 7 Level 2

    Its been happening to me all day long......NOTHING on this forum from King....typical.....FIX THIS!!!!

  • Wunderbaum
    Wunderbaum Posts: 4,398 Level 5

    Hi Ksarnold!

    Have you tried playing the game on I've never had any issues after switching so it might work for you as well.

    I saw on another thread a step by step instruction on how to transfer your game progress to

    1) Go to and login then click on settings (cog wheel, top right corner of screen)

    2) Choose Account

    3) Enter your password

    4) Click on Synchronizing/ Connect to Facebook

    5) Click on the two arrows to initiate the sync

    You can see the tutorial here: 

    Once done your progress is synchronized and you should now be able to play and progress without any issues.

    Cheers :-)

  • Hugs
    Hugs Posts: 7 Level 2

    As soon as I posted this last night, the game worked on my backup PC, but it looked really different, more like it would on my Android this morning, on my primary PC, everything is back to normal....I use Windows 10 and have noticed that some programs treat it like an android phone instead of a PC....don't know if you all were rolling out a newer version for testing or what...but take me off your guinea pig list.  I like playing thru Facebook with my husband for some friendly competition and I used all the tips and tricks to make it load.  It was King and something on one of their specific servers, whether a test rollout or least it is fixed for now.  ;-)

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