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Can some One Please Monitor Pet Rescue Saga Game Chat Please

Jerry_R_Koch Posts: 3 Newbie

I keep getting attacked by the same people,people have taken over the chat and use it for their own private attacking grounds< They really need to have some one investigate the chat room ,i'm feeling the need to call in my own attorneys and or Facebook or The FBI Cyber bully division Please Monitor the Game Chat its a open forum to always create drama ,Yet i thought it was for game chat help . It never happens  Thank you for the Help . 


  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 6,336 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Sorry Jerry, the game chat is a facebook feature so nothing to do with the game or King.  

    You can report abusive chat to Facebook.

    Personally, I always keep the chat feature turned off because like you say, it is not helpful!

    If you need help in the game or for a specific level you are more than welcome to ask here instead :)

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