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Level 1
I'm having trouble signing into Pet Saga Rescue. Won't go to my game??? I was just playing it 2 days ago. Please need to know why??? Or I can stop playing and delete. I need some help. I have enter 80 characters??? Don't get that so anyway if I can't get it fixed I'll stop playing. Thank You. Hopefully I will get a respose.
Sorry you are having trouble Merrily, please let us know what device you are playing on, and what you have already tried, then I hope I can help
I need help i have posted a couple of times the same problem dont really know where to post it?? I cant log into my game it says there is a connection problem and try in a bit. It has veen two days now. I have the internet i just dont understand whats happened? Have i entered wrong profile when trhing to sign up yo community page???
I see you have found where to post and been answerered 🙂