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Level 2
I am hung at the top of mountain and cant get down; I won all levels, make it to top of ark, got my prizes, and boom I am hung up here! Somebody had already taken title away from me but I am hung at top!
Írja be ide a A hegy tetején fekszik
A hegy tetején vagyok, és nem tudok leereszkedni; Minden szintet megnyertem, azt a bárka tetejére tettem, nyertem a díjaimat, és fellendültem itt. Valaki már elvette a címet tőlem, de a csúcson vagyok!
Unfortunately this seems to be an ongoing issue at the moment. The studio are aware of it but haven't managed to solve the problem yet.
In the meantime try the troubleshooting here as sometimes it can help ..
I shall try all these! Thank you for your time chicken!!!
I am sorry I can't help but this is my issue too. I actually put money in on this game and not to be able to play is frustrating. I love Mystery Mountain and can only play on the weekends but when I am stuck after playing it the first time makes me want to quit. I can play on my tablet but I prefer my laptop. Good luck Phillips1969/
I am sorry Aczel Agnes this does not solve mty problem I only speak and read English!!!Írja be ide a A hegy tetején fekszik
A hegy tetején vagyok, és nem tudok leereszkedni; Minden szintet megnyertem, azt a bárka tetejére tettem, nyertem a díjaimat, és fellendültem itt. Valaki már elvette a címet tőlem, de a csúcson vagyok!
It's been an issue for a while sadly, but at least you all know it's not your devices fault at least
Thank you for your time Chicken and Tammy!
You are very welcome! I have asked if we can have an update but its possible that while frustrating, there are worse issues in the game and they are all given a priority. They will get to it though. They fixed one in farm heroes a couple of months ago we didn't even know was a glitch as it had been there since release lol.
I did answer you chicken just don't know where answer went!!!Hi,
Unfortunately this seems to be an ongoing issue at the moment. The studio are aware of it but haven't managed to solve the problem yet.
In the meantime try the troubleshooting here as sometimes it can help ..
Thank you so much!!!It's been an issue for a while sadly, but at least you all know it's not your devices fault at least