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The image showing that if I complete 4 hard levels is blocking my next level. Cannot open.

LKK Posts: 1

Level 1

The dog image that shows that if I complete 4 hard levels I get a special bonus is blocking my next level. I cannot open the next level.  All it opens is the dog stating the 4 hard levels.  I've tried expanding the screen and various other things.  Is there a manual way to open the new level or to get rid of the dog?  If not, I'll have to stop playing since I can't move forward.


  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,162

    Hi LKK, King are working on a fix, hopefully you will get it with the next game update. In the meantime, replay the level before the one you want,  but when you finish, do not click the exit, click 'next'   This takes you straight to the next Level without seeing the map.

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