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New levels difficulti

Sania Posts: 3

Level 1

New levels getting to difficult need to give us more powet r ups to help sitting days on 1 level


  • Peanut7139
    Peanut7139 Posts: 1,732
    I'm on level 2559. This is not about that. The new level for the pirate boat with the octupus, You never give a chance to get pass the four levels anymore. This pirate boat use to be the one I looked forward to every week or two. Then the rain game comes out, look forward to that. Now I can't play the octupus pirate ship because it does not allow for getting past the levels anymore. Can't say I don't know how to play the game with me being on level  2559. It was fun but not anymore. Even when you have the bomb that blows up everything. It doesn't help when you have to use it on the very first level to get past it. What was the point in making not fun to play the game. It should be fun but not anymore. 
  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Hey @Sania and @CarlitaAlfonso !

    The more you progress in the game, the more challenging the levels will get. This is part of the game design and the fun. All levels are possible to pass without any Boosters even though som of them are super tricky. 

    I understand that the fun goes missing if the levels feel way to hard and I will pass your feedback to the game studio. 

    Have you checked the new Pet game btw, Pet Rescue Puzzle?

    Switch over to that game for a while if you get stuck in the original Pet Rescue. The game had the same idea, but in a new updated design.

  • Peanut7139
    Peanut7139 Posts: 1,732
    Thanks Crazy Cat for responding back to me. I get it but for me the fun comes from looking forward to something and not having it slap you in the face everytime. I looked forward to the Mystery Mountain because it also offered the extra boosters to help you get off of the extra extra hard levels that come with being where I am in the 2000 range. I also remembered back when I started playing that they said eventually you will get off of every level. I said okay that sounds promising. So I did expect to get off of every level after a month or two. I stopped playing Candy Crush for that very reason. That was a big game for me and I was enjoying it. I had to stop for a year and then I came back to it and never got off of the level. This was after a year Crazy. I stopped and go so frustrated that it no longer becomes fun. Someone else stated take a brake and I did. I forgot about it and then wanted something to do, I said go back to the Candy Crush. I remembered why I had stopped playing it. The level never allowed me to get off of it. Before you say it, I went onto Youtube and watched the tutorials over and over again. I watched it as I played the level. I never was able to get off of it. I uninstall it from my phone. I was in the 500 level range for the Candy Crush. I also realized that the games I'm playing don't match the tutorials because it always looks different. The people on there are always the creators of the game. Of course you can let them know we all know this. Of course they will away win the games. It would be foolish to do that and not win. I recognize the games boards are different. It is meant for the creators to always win the games. I'm just saying that a game is meant for fun, not making you so mad that you can never get off of the level. I've proven that I know how to play the game and to also go and try and see how to best play it. The game has to let you off at some point. That is all I'm trying to say to you Crazy. If the colors aren't there and the pets themselves aren't there, I can't win the game. I've had to many times when the pets don't come down and I'm on my last count, or the colors just aren't there for me to win the game at all. I've done this over and over again. The count is down and I'm sitting here waiting on the last pet to come down, drop and it never does. You can't win if the colors aren't there or the pets. I'm dealing with that now on the mystery mountain game. 
  • Peanut7139
    Peanut7139 Posts: 1,732
    I made it to 2574 on this game. I am not complaining about the regular boards and playing the regular game. I enjoyed the Mystery Mountain and here again the next week the game does not allow me to get off of the levels. I have watched and watched the tutorials on youtube. I will say it again, the creators and the kings people who own and run the game will surely get off of every level with no problem. I so looked forward to playing this Mystery Mountain before the levels changed. I can't get off of the levels at all to move forward. I play two levels and that is as far as the game will allow me to win. I had to use all my boosters and the golden bear.The game still does not allow me to move forward. I'm done playing what use to be fun. 

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