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Level 2595 not ending.

Adele_Greenwood Posts: 4

Level 1

Twice now I have had no more moves in this level but it won't move on (as in end so I can replay). I have been too worried about clicking Quit incase it send me back to level 1. That won't happen will it? Will it just end that level? 


  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Hi @Adele_Greenwood !

    The levels should end and fail at that point since no possible combinations are available.

    If you quit the level it will not send you back to level 1 in the game. It should just ask you to replay the level 2595.

    If the game sends you back to level 1 sometime, just post it about here in Community and I will restore the levels for you. 
  • Adele_Greenwood
    Adele_Greenwood Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Thanks Crazy Cat Lad,
    If I have run out of moves again and the level still won't end I'll just quit... 
    The two times it has happened so far I have used a booster or two to complete one or two more moves before it finished.
  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    The level is one of these levels that don't have any moves, it will fail/ end when you're out of combinations instead. 

    Please just end the game manually and restart if this happens again. If it happens also on other levels, please let me know! 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?