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Could you please retrieve my levels?

Chlöey Posts: 2

Level 1

I have a new phone and since I played pet resue before a king account was possible, I can't retrieve my levels. I was only at 170-190 when my phone broke, but I'd still like to get them back. I have no clue what email I used and since the gamecenter seems to be an issue of history, I have no way of saying what level I was :/ I hope you can still help me, despite my lack of evidence.

Kind regards,


  • Chlöey
    Chlöey Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I thought this was the support😂😂
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,147
    edited August 2019
    Chlöey, Hearty Welcome to the Pet Rescue section of our friendly King Community :) 

    This is not the Support / Player Relations Team.  This is the "King Community" for all King Games.....  Except for the Purchase issues, most of your questions will be answered here :+1::D  

    With regards to getting the level progress back in your game, try this link and see if it helps

    If it did not, please post back and let us know!  Our game in-charge will be able to guide you and help with the right direction :+1:     

    Hoping for the Best!  Have a great rest of the day/evening!
  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Hi @Chlöey

    This is the support section in Pet Rescue Community, but it's not sure that people are online 24/7, but all questions get answered the same day usually. 

    If you can't remember which account you had the game saved on or aren't able to access that account, please create a new King account on your new device and then let me know the Game ID and I will manually restore the levels for you.

    Check here how to find the Game ID, but make sure the game is connected first to your new King account. 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?