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next level pet rescue saga

lyane Posts: 4

Level 1

 I was stuck for several months at 1827 level of pet rescue saga by a barrier of work, when next level???

Best Answer

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    edited August 2019 Answer ✓

    It's correct that @Lynette says, the game has no further levels past 1827 on the site since it runs on the old Flash Player version. 

    The mobile and Facebook version have already the new updated HTML5 version and almost 3000 levels. is under reconstruction and update process right now so all level should be updated there soon. I have no details when the site will be updated fully to HTML5, but it will be before Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox disable Flash. 

    If you want to continue the game on mobile, download the app from App Store or Google Play Store and connect the game to your King account and it will start from 1828.

    If you prefer to play on Facebook on a computer, then sync your King account to Facebook and the levels will be synced to Facebook:

    -Log into
    -Click on Settings
    -Choose Account
    -Type your password
    -Click on Synchronizing/ Connect to Facebook
    -Click on the two arrows
    -Log into Facebook in the new window


    Open the game on Facebook and you should be on 1828 there! 


  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,179
    Hi @lyane
    Can you tell me where you are playing the game?
    Is it on the website?
  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,179
    edited August 2019
    The game is not yet complete on the website and you're at the final level.
    They are in the process of changing it because the whole code needs to be re-written. It is taking some time, but should be done soon.

    If you have a facebook account you can play all 2818 levels on there (and a new Episode is added every week) or you could play more levels on a mobile device.
  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    edited August 2019 Answer ✓

    It's correct that @Lynette says, the game has no further levels past 1827 on the site since it runs on the old Flash Player version. 

    The mobile and Facebook version have already the new updated HTML5 version and almost 3000 levels. is under reconstruction and update process right now so all level should be updated there soon. I have no details when the site will be updated fully to HTML5, but it will be before Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox disable Flash. 

    If you want to continue the game on mobile, download the app from App Store or Google Play Store and connect the game to your King account and it will start from 1828.

    If you prefer to play on Facebook on a computer, then sync your King account to Facebook and the levels will be synced to Facebook:

    -Log into
    -Click on Settings
    -Choose Account
    -Type your password
    -Click on Synchronizing/ Connect to Facebook
    -Click on the two arrows
    -Log into Facebook in the new window


    Open the game on Facebook and you should be on 1828 there! 
  • stions
    stions Posts: 2

    Level 1

    What an awesome thread really an interesting Conversation.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,279
    Hello @stions, Hearty Welcome to the Pet Rescue section of our friendly King Community :) 

    What level are playing in Pet Rescue game?  There is a contest going on for us to win 20 Gold Bars!  Why don't you try your luck?  Here is the link  Beat the Score in level # 290

    All the very best!  Hope to see you there 🤗
  • stions
    stions Posts: 2

    Level 1

    @PummyRaj I will think about it.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?