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FelipeMendonça Posts: 4

Level 1

boa tarde, meu jogo parou de funcionar, dá um erro quando tento abrir o programa, aí fala que ele parou de funcionar, e pede pra dar ok ou informar, mais não me retornam! Aguardo a resposta de vocês! 


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,148
    Hello @FelipeMendonça Hearty Welcome to the Pet Rescue section of our friendly King Community :) 

    I am sorry to say that the Community supports English language ONLY for everybody to communicate and understand better.  Hence, please come back and post in English through this link

    ** As per Community Guidelines, this thread will be closed as it is in "Unsupported Language"!

    Looking forward to seeing you again!  Have a nice day/evening!
This discussion has been closed.

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