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Expensive Gold Bars !!

browneyes_1504 Posts: 2

Level 1

Why has the price of the gold bars gone up for e.g 100 gold bars used to be £6.99 now its £17.99 !!!! Why on earth has it gone up £11, just Crazy !!


  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,833
    Welcome to our Community @browneyes_1504 😀

    Our Game Studios are constantly adapting our games by introducing and testing new features, gameplay or concepts.

    Before any change is implemented a randomly chosen group of players is selected to trial the feature, and based upon how the change is viewed we then decide whether the change is one we want to adopt or not.

    As you have noticed, we are currently testing to see how our players feel about the new prices of Gold Bars in the shop and the inclusion of a slightly different pack instead.

    I understand that you may not appreciate this change, and rest assured that I have passed your feedback onto the Developers.

    I hope you continue to enjoy our games. 

  • prpc
    prpc Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I have played this game for years and love it!  I have to uninstall it now because I can't afford the gold prices.  Also, the game now has glitches....when I complete all the blocks it adds blocks and makes be buy more plays.  I'd done.
  • browneyes_1504
    browneyes_1504 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I know, I was shocked at the jump in the price, I used to buy the gold bars sometimes but definitely not at the prices now!! Yes I agree ref the glitches it’s getting worse in the game

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?