When playing Pet Rescue AND when playing Soda almost the ONLY advertisement I get is a 30 seconds taking publicity about Diabetes.
In the video you show PILLS to be taken, shots/syringes to get.
1. Children play this game. EVERY film ever shown - even the disney ones - need to have an age sign. The moment Syringes and PILLS are in a film it should have a warning.
King is just showing it without warning!

2. Diabetes is not a game. It is not something you advertise against.. Just follow these steps - get this e-book - and you will not get it.
This is a lethal illness and this add pretends you will not get it - what doctors don't tell you!
You are not medically trained. You are not allowed to advertise medical treatment. You are - in Dutch law - illegal in showing this add.
3. If you already downloaded the book.. the - very annoying and very LONG - add keeps coming. What is the point - download it 10000000x TIMES??????
4. Where is the possibility to block an add?
There is NO possibility to avoid this add.
Even if you downloaded the book.
Even though KING already knows YOU ARE BEING ILLEGAL in showing this.
All that counts is the money you get from this add.
It is repulsing this type of moneygreed to advertise medical treatment against diabetes.
People DIE from diabetes!!! And you are claiming to have found the cure in an add.
This is soooo very very very wrong what you are showing and doing.
What is the interest in an e-book about diabetes for 10 year old ( my niece is playing and I am not able to block this add for her not to see the syringes and pills)
I made this an issue in the Soda part of the community.
Now Both Soda AND Pet Rescue ONLY show this add. It is the only bloody add you have for me!
You think I am on the verge of getting diabetes?
You want me to change my diet?
You think I am ill?
You want my niece to see this add when she is playing Pet rescue?
Do you only have ONE client that pays for publicity and nothing but the diabetes one?
If you can ONLY show ONE add.. what is the point? If you have seen it - Do you really want to force it upon your players EVERY bloody time you will give an extra bonus? If you can only show ONE add.. than just don't - it is pathetic.
I don't mind looking ad adds. You get money for me watching and I get a booster. But this add is EVIL is disguise and not suited for small children and you are showing it over and over and over and over again
If you want to insist on shoving this medical add up our noses.. Give the players the possibility to block something you do not EVER want to see again.
For religious reasons, for personal reasons, for not being age suited, for medical reasons.. or even for sportive motives.. (getting only 3 more moves for an add that is 30 seconds is totally not worth it)
I hope you finally do something about this add.. or give ME the TOOLS to do it Myself!!