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Level 42: HELP!

This level Is sooooo hard for a beginners level. I try getting the key first but yet I still lose.
I think the metal blocks are what are messing me up. I can easily get a good chunk of pets by breaking the  column between the 1st and 2nd metal block columns, but the rest is luck and make big matches.
I can never get enough blocks to get enough fireworks to finish the level, and I am worried that I might never finish it. So I need some strategies to finish the level. Thanks!


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 160,110
    Hi @popanda55 . Welcome to our Community  =)

    Dont worry you can do it my friends , this video as references how to finished level 42

    Tips for Level 42
    Breaking open the key in as few moves as possible.Depending on the board you are given to start with, this can be done in as few as 1-3 moves. Make your matches that are under the key to begin with, until the key hits the layer of locked boxes, which will break open the box the key is in. Once you have broken this box open, activate the key to eliminate all the locked boxes.

    After you have activated your key, **do not make any matches.** This tip is essential to beating Pet Rescue Saga level 42 since you need to use as little moves as possible. There is no need to make a match after you have unlocked the key, since you will already automatically have a rocket ready to use. Activate your rocket on the column 2nd from the left – this is the column that has 2 bombs in it. Be careful not to confuse this column with the other column with bombs in it, because those are of no use since they are prevented from falling further down the board due to the ledge underneath them

    Once you have cleared the column with your 1st rocket, you have rescued your first pet. After the pet falls to the floor, it breaks open the bottom box with the bomb in it. Detonate this bomb to eliminate all 4 of the steel boxes on the bomb’s right and left side. Now you have rescued 2 more pets in just 1 move.
    Good Luck
    Let me know if you need any further help or have any questions
  • popanda55
    popanda55 Posts: 107
    Ahh. I see! Thanks! I think I can beat the hard level and get to that shiny pet

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 160,110
    Good luck my friends , you can do it 

  • popanda55
    popanda55 Posts: 107
    Thank you! I passed it
  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    @popanda55 Yey! Well done! That is a tricky level, must agree on that! 

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