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Me and my brother have an issue that we are both having on my account on PRS. The problem is that we lose a help friends level (not the issue), then we press the X to go out of it then it puts us back in the level and we have to do it all over again. Does anyone know now what's going on?
hi dear welcome to our community
I am tagging to superstar to help you
please keep patience because it may be some time difference.
Do you mean Friends Help Feature ?
Friends Help is in the Test Group so we cannot say for sure that you will always find this feature.
The Fun Event menu returns when the game is regular. Probably no event is currently active for you so the menu is not available.
Keep playing the game, your fun event menu will return.
This video Friends Help
Hi @littlemissmim08, this happen to me also, not only when you lose the level but even you have succeeded help a stuck friend it still returned to the level for retry, you just need to exit and hit the X mark again. I hope they fix it soon.
Ok, any more advice?