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The best level to find quikly Golden Panda is level 133
What you find is that there are 3 collectable booster Pets, Bronze (Dog), Silver (Cat) and Gold (Panda).
They will appear randomly in the levels and for a limited time you get added advantages in the game.
Watch the Buddy's bar while playing, sometimes the time runs out and you will have to collect the previous Buddy again.
When the Pets are rescued they each have a different power.
After using the mega bomb booster you will start again collecting from the bronze Pet
After getting the Golden panda. If not used, it will get Rainbow Panda which will turn into a Booster.
I've had a few other players say today that the buff Buddies are no longer in their game.
I will tag @Crazy Cat Lad to see if he can find out if it's supposed to be happening.