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Welcome to Pet Rescue Community Quests!
Seven challenges, seven quests and seven badges to claim to show your Pet Rescue skills here in the Community.
Complete each quest and get an exclusive badge to your Community profile.
To show that you completed the quest, simply post a screenshot (or two) as advised below to get your badge.
Seasonal quest:
Winter Petopia
Play Winter Petopia event in the game and get at least to level 15 in your city.
Post a screenshot of your Petopia where the city level is displayed above to the left on the Love Points meter.
Level progress quests:
Complete 25 levels
Complete 25 regular levels in your Pet Rescue Saga.
Post a screenshot of your map when you started and then another when you played at least 25 levels.
Complete 50 levels
Complete 50 regular levels in your Pet Rescue Saga.
Post a screenshot of your map when you started and then another when you played at least 50 levels. Same screenshot and start level as for the 25 levels badge is allowed.
Complete 100 levels
Complete 100 regular levels in your Pet Rescue Saga.
Post a screenshot of your map when you started and then another when you played at least 100 levels. Same screenshot and start level as for the 25 levels badge is allowed.
Event quests:
Complete Weather Alert
Post a screenshot of your Weather Alert map where you are on the tenth and last level in the event.
Your avatar must be on the tenth level on the island to get this badge.
Complete Mystery Mountain
Post a screenshot of your Mystery Mountain map where you are on the fifth and last level on the mountain.
Your avatar must be on the fifth level on the mountain to claim this badge.
Complete Daily Challenge
Post a screenshot of your Daily Challenge score or of the event when it has been completed in your game.
The score is not important, only that the Daily Challenge is completed.
All screenshots need to be posted on this page and before 10 January 2022.
To claim the 25, 50 and 100 levels badges, please post the start and finish screenshots in the same comment.
Good luck and have a petacular day!
The participation for this contest will end on Monday 10 January 2022 at 05:00 EST/ 11:00 CET and you can find the Terms & Conditions here.
Okay! It's super fun contest! @Crazy Cat Lad 👍😄
Tagging Pet Rescue Players into spoiler :
@S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e @Steffy45 @Theresa_Campbell @Tanisha80 @Havish @Moh1977 @ebee8472 @oldfrank @brandyw78 @GlenysB @Racoon7 @BubbleGumSoda @bekicrusher @stellalockley @rkinchen @mcrawford @Greymane @Sukanta_Biswas @CassD @Steph1980 @carmenechevarria @RobinCorte @nana1972 @letsirc @jeanps @hechicerilla @Cats4Caz @ndaoz @aijaziqbal @DaniTheOG @cgab20 @Geegeorge @Lyn73 @fifi321 @desertflowers04 @bergfuchs @918874145 @PiperLeonberger @jeanps @Nicole_Neubert95 @hasuna @tam52 @grandadboats @assir_elbaradei @iqsd @Piccaso @godders60 @billionaire @ruiva001 @Angel1207 @BQN537 @Jane_S @Bookster @SabrinaM @pusaaa @LoveDachs
@johamilton @siti_payung @CassD @wykoon @jujito0 @Maddie_Ivey @Peetra @Ooma_Segran @ZoricaPanda @kamonrut19 @Feligirl @mary12 @Marry79 @Pat_Ferraro @lorraine5050 @Julie_Andrews @Marbelles @Priscilla_Nooner @christine88 @CarlitaAlfonso @sarahkupton@GTFan @trudymitch @lhanna @Bets @lingho @Snelee @assir_elbaradei @buzzlightyear_uk @lizzy58 @tigger123 @MountainMom @carollbiel @tabby33 @candyfloyd2 @sassysasha91 @ringobatkin @marianngerwig @sml309 @12monty34 @Snelee @klaybasket @Gatica @daisycake @cooper123 @Katrina47 @DonnaB2 @Joost_Theunis @littlemissmim08 @Pitty_Kitty @rajdeeptb
@Kezabelle3 @tracierana @Kat-6 @Lynette @Greymane @Keera0913 @SirThinkALot @Palash_Sarma @ChrisMiller @EOTheGr8 @rebelchild @kiara_wael @navypsyc @haus @Darla100 @ReiRodrigoBH @tommar @dinka1437 @JaeBaby7 @jcjsmith @anushiya14 @KALE66 @Angie537 @Angie098 @smb1284 @xuanxesus @Pedrotheo @1l9j6l2h @FATTATTOO @bbalsley @Pili1970 @19Ela84 @Raccoonish1 @anson100 @Meenah01 @MotherOfChihuahuas @nollent @KarmaKu @argenis15 @dcheeky1 @yrtigress2 @Nepththys @Cassieug @sabbyhuck @CherylV @esmeralda_cecy3 @catz30666 @JessicaBilly @KCullen127 @SylvieAngie @Nenikapaki @jeffcsx @Ast45 @Crr008 @mcrawford @Amiluv @DarkAngel1967 @kmask38 @Cheryl_Sherman @esmeralda_cecy3 @netbyrns @bozkel @MalGyo @rascallycat @antoemamma @grammymy @ruwee @Danette91 @anil55 @bamunden @vanillabuttercream @Ray2hrd2plz504 @Grumpy_Old_Man @Martha_S @Jennifer_Chan @giraffelover @kiarawolfe @doradimi @deedeelanier1968 @chicanita @Nathje @Tcaywood @Joanarf @donnellyjanet5 @WendyG78 @Elisou @Linda_Skowron @Don_Finlay @Loriohiomom3 @juliejules52 @starsgma @BertieK1972 @HenryUdoka @oignon21 @lkmlinda @martydel1 @JimKoumana @Schatzbeatle @cbsgift @Najax @LadyVanPelt @skidder9 @Sophia1070 @Slam @LotoskaMoseley7988 @m3llo @Tanqueray @deedeelanier1968 @Crisalida
** If who wants to subscribe Pet Rescue Tagging List, please check and comment here! Thanks! 😊 *
Also tagging active Community Hub Players into spoiler :
@Yosca, @Jasmina, @Fakhri, @Elsa, @siti_payung, @Sukanta_Biswas, @christine88, @DeepshikhaSharan, @Sharon_Loose, @Acv, @Sammyjo, @aijaziqbal, @hechicerilla, @wykoon, @teresawallace44, @Pitty_Kitty, @Tzvi_Marcu, @fabke, @ChrisMiller, @CerbeRus777, @Cats4Caz, @Timhung, @GlenysB, @laley, @Roary2020, @Angel1207, @CassD, @Bookster, @Priyacandy, @Andres-2, @Tasty_Cake, @nguyenanhduy1591999, @littlemissmim08, @rebelchild, @David5023, @istuff, @carmenechevarria, @Lexi, @Glenn1972, @SabrinaM, @johamilton, @kiara_wael, @Werner_Cichy, @Nat09, @bearwithme, @paul5473, @candycrushinit, @gr33n3y3z, @Albert_Heinrich, @tininha1975, @Mary_Kay, @LoveDachs, @MountainMom, @SBH, @Yorben_Goeree, @rajdeeptb, @Nix66, @NamTruong2001, @Anahita_2005, @simplyP, @Iffu2, @me6412, @DieOmimi, @Cagnes, @Greymane, @jeanps, @BubbleGumSoda, @bekicrusher, @Kezabelle3, @Nwosu, @maryjane117, @Nikolaos_Prodromidis, @S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e, @LilyEvans, @lelensp, @malikaleena, @DaniTheOG, @Lucy71, @Racoon7, @lhalha, @tashanight3, @Shilviya18, @crisaniya, @actipton80, @lilikoikisses, @MollyS, @BQN537, @msgraca, @Palash_Sarma, @gemazing, @Nadia1770, @tootsie86, @EOTheGr8, @tokasa13, @shannontulloh, @Havish, @Lemurtek, @KCullen127, @ndaoz, @Nafta, @MightyWolf, @penken, @batman27, @misspink78, @lakiere, @cwsherwood, @peggyvereen, @BlueberryCupcake, @fable1707, @playgowomen18, @queenbee9214, @JessicaBilly, @Nenikapaki, @RobinCorte, @Elaine67, @betchiegrl29, @Ray2hrd2plz504, @MollyMolls, @OrdinaryChick1986, @MiladyR, @Schatzbeatle, @smallthing, @PurpleQuee, @PoshAffairs, @Mery35, @May_Edwards, @Blessed2BAbigailsmom, @Lisacamacho34
** If who wants to subscribe Community Hub Tagging List, please check and comment here! Thanks! 😊 **
It's great that you're doing a long-term event.
To collect badges ;
There are 15 episodes that are broadcast per week. Considering that 150 new levels will be released by January 10th, I can easily participate. And I'm excited to get these awesome badges. 👍👍
7. I hope that the badge is related to the city of Petopia. 😄 🐱🐱🐶🐶
thanks @Crazy Cat Lad ✌
@Crazy Cat Lad thank you for this really cool event! @Diamond Lim ❤ tag
I will try again for the badges.
In 2020.. No 25 badge..and the badges are different.
My start
@Crazy Cat Lad thanks for this beautiful event! 🤩
It's challenging but I'll try to complete it to the end.🙂
Oh, boy@Crazy Cat Lad . How I wish I have extra arms to play all the King Games.. I will try my very best to achieve and get these cool and awesome badges. Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim 🤗
This is a great challenge but for those of us that are on level 4708, we will not be able to participate at the same level as others that have that opportunity to get further ahead. I'm still playing but I wish I had the levels to really play with. Mystery Mountain, Weather, and the few levels that will be released through out the month.
I'm waiting to play more but I will get daily challenge and I'm waiting for more boards to play on.