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Level 3
Hi all - I know I am not the only one having this problem. If you haven’t already please click on this link and complete the form: https://soporto.king.com/support
Give them time but they will respond and my last update from them is they are aware and working on it. I feel the more people who report this issue, maybe they will stop the special events. Also, I was told by this team, King support, that a special event cannot be removed from your game. Thanks.
@Rubie-Roo1135 While we appreciate you trying to help other players and you are more than welcome to contact player support, the quickest way is to comment on the thread with their ID.
You've been told by player support that you cannot have an event removed from your game because you are a regular player and because they are player support and not in direct contact with the studio. @FluffyDinosaur, our community manager is a King employee and is in direct contact with the studio. That is one of her roles as part of being one of the actual King team. In some ways that makes her higher than PS as she will get all the news quicker and often direct, rather than just a memo sent down the line.
She has been told directly by the studio that if she passes on all the ID's, they will remove the event. We/She has been doing that. Unfortunately they are busy working on this and other issues and the game itself so that could be why there has been a backlog. But I have tagged her here too so that when she is in the office early next week, she can reassure you herself 🤗
I know its frustrating 😬
You're not the only one either. I have reported things via Farm and been told to do this that and the other. Even when I know there are issues 🙈