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beylove3 Posts: 13

Level 2

I'm On 1490 and been there for over 2 month can someone help me get off there I even sent money try to pass that bord and it didn't work.


  • teasir
    teasir Posts: 4,565

    Check YouTube for an example “level 1490 - no boosters”. I just found it. Also, do you or your team bake the cakes? A great booster to collect is the Supersonic lollipop from the 2nd and 3rd cakes for more difficult boards.

  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,146

    Hi @beylove3

    I answered in the other post you made, but will repeat it here as it may also help another player.

    Here are my tips for Level 1490

    Work on filling the butterflies with big matches of color (remember, at least 16 blocks are needed to open them)

    But, as soon as you get the opportunity, when a Pet is due to drop (immediately after you've saved one) carefully remove some blocks from the first column.

    Then you can also save some Pets by dropping them straight down without needing the butterflies.

  • beylove3
    beylove3 Posts: 13

    Level 2

    I got pass it thank You😘

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